Friday, June 23, 2023

Swift And Successful Slumber

Lately I've been having a lot of what I refer to as 'middle aged sleep', meaning I wake up multiple times during the night because my legs will start twitching, I need to go to the bathroom, or put covers on/take them off to regulate my temperature. Some times I can go right back to sleep. Other times it takes a while, which means I don't feel well rested when it's time to get up.

Lately I've been trying to incorporate the five-step “military method” for falling asleep in minutes. Although I don't always have success in meeting its 10-minute time frame, the steps have cut down on a lot of my tossing and turning.

  • The first step is to relax your face. I use a technique I learned in a meditation class to start at my forehead and work my way down, systematically releasing the tension from my eyes, cheeks, mouth, tongue, and jaw.
  • Next, relax your shoulders, chest, and arms...biceps, triceps, forearms, and hands. While doing this I breathe deeply and imagine sinking into the bed.
  • Continuing down your body, the third step is to concentrate on relaxing your stomach. It helps me to take deep yoga breaths.
  • The fourth step is relaxing your legs. I do them one at a time. For each, I start at my thigh and move down to my calf, ankle, and foot, concentrating on letting each part sink into the bed.
  • Last, you clear your mind. Some nights I visualize I'm in a peaceful forest. Other times I'm watching clouds in the sky. The article suggested that if your brain just won't stop to repeat the words "Don't think" for 10 seconds. Sometimes I do that, but other times I substitute a rote prayer or mantra.


  1. I'd heard about this military step method. Let us know if it works. Ever had a sleep study? It can tell if you need better sleep and how often you stop breathing.

    1. My doctor has never suggested a sleep study, but it's an interesting suggestion. I'll keep it in mind.

  2. I seem to be asleep these days the minute I hit my bed and if not, if I try to read awhile, that does it. This sounds like a good skill to learn however. Thanks!

  3. "go to the bathroom" Sometimes 3 or 4 times. But I guess I'm lucky, I don't have any problem going right back to sleep. I also use Breathe Right strips on my nose. They really do make a difference.

  4. I'll have to try that. I do miss the nights when I used to sleep all through.

    1. On the rare occasion I don't get up during the night I consider it a miracle.

  5. I fall in bed, so tired each night, and am asleep in 10 minutes. Terry often is in the shower when I get in bed, thinking I will read for awhile, but I'm asleep by the time he steps out of the shower. I do wake up some nights and find it just best to go sit in the living room, in the dark, to get my brain to slow down. I do my best to turn all those issues over to God as I sit there in the dark.

  6. sleeping is not an issue for me. I will sleep most days without any trouble. Reading some boring books is the best way to sleep, i figured.

    1. The problem for me is that I would have to turn on a light to read, which means going in the other room.

  7. I used to count sheep. Now I write health and safety reports on them. Are they fit to jump over the fences as I count them? Is the fence too high? Are they in a safe pasture? Are there any predators? Is the shepherd competent? Is he asleep? Then so should I.

    God bless.
