Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Last night I was getting ready to go to a meeting when I realized that my sinuses were full and my nose was drippy. I figured it was spring allergies and popped a pill on my way out the door.  

The allergy pill usually starts working within 20 minutes. However, this time it didn't. My nose and sinuses were miserable all night long, and I left immediately after the meeting instead of staying for the socialization part. By the time I went to bed I realized my issue was more than allergies. Based on the symptoms it was probably a big, honking cold. 

Before I went to bed I found my Neti pot, used it, and took a decongestant, but I still had a miserable night. In the morning, after a hot shower I decided to make sure that my diagnosis was correct by giving myself a Covid test. As I suspected it would, the test came up negative, so I used the Neti pot, took another decongestant, and got on with my day. 

The Mayo Clinic says that adults usually have two or three colds each year, but I haven't had one since the fall of 2020. This one had all the classic symptoms--a punk feeling, a constant clear runny nose, slight sore throat, watery eyes, congestion, and sneezing. If I had a dollar for each time I blew my nose I would be able to take a nice vacation down the line. I'm sure Hubby Tony got tired of listening to the noise.

I laid around the house as much as possible, but when I had to be around people I made sure to wear a mask so I wouldn't spread my germs. I chugged warm water (which kept me running to the bathroom). When I went down to the basement with some trash I rubbed hand sanitizer on the doorknob so someone else wouldn't pick up my germs.

In my experience it takes about a week for a cold to go away, but I'm going to do my best to hurry this one along.Tonight when I go to bed I'll use the Neti pot, rub some Vick's on my chest, take a decongestant, and hope for the best.


  1. You do know about death by Neti pot, right? Boil the water first or use distilled water.

  2. Praying for your quick healing.

    God bless.

  3. I am so sorry for this. Hubby has had a cold for months. I haven't had one since 2019! I stopped seeing my late client, then COVID. So many germs the PSWs bring to them. I might be happy to wear a mask forever!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

    1. The more people you interact with, the better the chance you'll run into germs. At least for me a cold is just annoying, not life threatening.

  4. I hope you feel better soon. My allergies are so bad this spring and they started early. I don't think I could use a Neti pot, the thought of pouring water up my nose sounds like water boarding to me and I even freak out and have never swam with my face in the water, I dog paddle.
    I have always used Vicks before,and it always gives some relief. I always wear my mask when we go anywhere, but the other day it was a very warm day and I had put on a sweater, not realizing how warm it was. We got to General Dollar,and that store is claustrophobic to me anyway, and I started getting very short of breath and super warm. I was thankful to get that mask off as soon as we got out of the store.

    Take care.

    1. I agree that allergy season got an early start this year. I read somewhere that was an effect of global warming.

  5. Feel better soon! Maybe repeat the covid test after a few days to be sure.

  6. I hate colds. Haven't had one in a long while now. I suppose it's been all the isolating and mask wearing, kept me away from anybody I"d catch a cold from. My brother got a bad cold a couple weeks ago that progressed until he's pretty sure he had covid but didn't want to get tested so he just dealt with it at home. I hope you get over yours soon. They're miserable.

    1. I agree that social distancing and mask wearing helped keep colds down.

  7. Hope you feel better soon. That crud is making the rounds.

    1. It makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one.

  8. I sincerely hope that you are feeling better. It's good of you to be so considerate of others. I was at the market yesterday and saw several adults coughing without bothering to cover their mouths. I wondered if they knew to cough into the crook of their elbow and just didn't care to do it or if they had never been taught. Speedy healing.

    1. Yesterday when I was in church (masked up) the lady in the pew in front of me (who was unmasked) was sneezing and coughing. Even though she covered her nose and mouth with her elbow it was still gross.
