Thursday, January 2, 2020

Anyone Else Have The Same Problem?

Thanks to both Christmas and New Year's falling on Wednesday this year I've been confused by what day of the week it is for quite some time.  Just about the time I got in the swing of the week it was time to take a two day holiday break. Then I barely had time to get back in the swing of things in time for it to be the weekend. Then the whole confusing thing happened a second time!

This week has been especially bad. In the Catholic Church, New Year's Day is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, a Holy Day of Obligation. Hubby Tony and I chose to go to Mass on Tuesday night. Then we went out to dinner. (We usually do both activities on our Saturday nights, so other than staying up later to celebrate the new year the evening felt pretty typical.)

On New Year's Day we slept in, then spent the day doing things around the house in preparation for moving. The flow of the day certainly made it feel like a Sunday. This morning I woke up and looked for some emails that always show up in my Inbox on Monday morning. It took me several minutes to figure out why they weren't there.


  1. ROFLMAO! Thanks for the reminder. LOL.

  2. WHAT? New Year's day a Holy Day of obligation? I specifically checked and they said it was not. Are the British Catholics different to yours? I wish our Church would get its act together.

    Over here in England and Wales we are told we should not eat meat on Fridays. But not in Scotland. It's a long way for me to drive to Scotland for a burger on Friday nights.

    God bless.

    1. WOW! I did some research and found out how vastly different things are around the world. I had no clue. Thank you for helping me educate myself :-)

  3. Well, not being religious, I had no religous sorts of Christmas obligations, but I've heard religions are not quite followed the same way in different parts of the world, maybe depends on culture? But I get the mess of week days with weekends, its been a strange Christmas and New Years that way. Now its Friday and tomorrow's the weekend when we just had a weekend, Tuesday and Wednesday. Sort of.

  4. Since I'm retired, and most days are "holidays," I didn't think about this holiday season being much different except the schools are out for three weeks which changed up my schedule. I've tried very hard to be still and contemplative during this break.

    1. You're days were impacted by Tony's days off work. I hope your time off was productive.
