Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Formerly Mine

Yesterday Hubby Tony and I were out running errands and we stopped in a nearby thrift store.  He went to the clothes side to see if he could find some khakis for work. I headed for the non-clothing side to browse, and did a double take when I turned a corner and saw this nicely-merchandised display:

The artwork used to be in my hall bathroom!

After its renovation was finished I boxed up all the accessories and donated them to the store.   Obviously some of them have now made their way to the selling floor.  I wonder how long it will be before they find a new home.


  1. Fancy that! I should go browsing after a donation to see my stuff displayed!

  2. I went down to the thrif store and saw my artwork hanging on their walls. Along with 90 percent of my stuff on the shelves. Was great fun to see.

    1. Dropped another big box off yesterday and took a quick walk-about the store. Their books, oh my gosh, only a buck for hard covers. Amazing. I didn't get any but I liked seeing Some of mine on the shelves.

  3. This has happened to me only once and it took me by surprise. I was a weird feeling. I thought about buying it back but then snapped out of it. Glad I did.

    1. Yes, once something is gone it should really be gone. No second guessing.
