Monday, September 1, 2014

Bumpy Bar

Have you ever seen a bumpy bar of soap?  It was a new concept to me.

top view

from the side

I couldn't figure out why the bar looked the way it did, so I asked around and got a couple of different answers.  The first was it was designed to help keep the bar dry in a soap dish (set bumps-down so the air could circulate better). A second response said that the bar was to be held in your hand with the bumps out so they could give you a mini-massage. 

Which idea do you think is correct?  Or do you have another explanation?

Five years ago today: Go Cards!


  1. Maybe it's so you get a better grip and the bar won't be so slippery?

    You could google the brand...maybe they tell why in the description!

    1. Looking up the brand would be a good idea....if I had remembered to look at the brand name on the box. I LIKE your non-slippery idea.

  2. I go with bumps down, unless it's yet another attempt to sell less for more.

    1. Wouldn't surprise me if they were trying to get away with selling less for the same cost.

  3. I'd go with the latter explanation...hmm

    1. It seems to me that it wouldn't take long for the bumps to be rubbed off and you'd be left with a flat bar. Maybe that's why the bar part is so thin?

  4. Probably as a massage bar. Does it cost more that a regular bar of soap? I bet it promises to eliminate cellulite and will sell like crazy!

    1. I think EVERY specialty item costs more than the original!

  5. I've seen this before in a hotel. I assumed that it was the massage thing but who knows?
