Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Sink Isn't SUPPOSED To Sink!

Sunday I was getting ready to rinse some vegetables for lunch when I noticed the undermount sink (which came with the granite countertops we had installed four years ago) had come loose from the countertop.  Half of it was falling down into the cabinet, which is not a good thing. 

I yelled for Hubby Tony to come take a look.  Before I knew it Son Donald was there, too and all three of us were brainstorming ideas.  We were in agreement that we needed something tall enough to prop the sink up so it didn't fall any further, and set off in search of that 'something'. 

Looks funny, but it worked!
I looked in the garage, and Tony did the same thing in the basement.  Donald went out to his car and brought in the jack from the trunk.  Nothing worked, but we combined our ideas and set an empty cat litter bucket on top of the jack, then raised it up until it lifted the sink.  While the men were working inside the cabinet I called the company that installed the sink and left a detailed voice message, asking them to call ASAP Monday morning.

Although the company did call Monday morning, they couldn't send anyone out until Wednesday.  I didn't want to make the sink any heavier by putting water in it, so for a couple of days I tried to make as few dirty dishes as possible. I counted down the hours until the kitchen would be back to normal

When the installers showed up they blamed the failure on the first installer and the glue they used 'back then'.  They unhooked the drains, took the sink completely out, and cleaned the edges.  Next they applied a thick layer of stinky caulk and stuck the sink back under the counter, then clamped everything together tightly.  Then they gave us some bad news.  The caulk had to cure overnight (with NO water dripping on it); they'd have to come back today to reattach the drains. 

This morning I filled buckets with water to hand wash the breakfast dishes.  It was a real pain.  After dinner I did it again.  I was very glad when the installer showed up.  He did his job quickly, then told me we were back in business.  Thank goodness!

Five years ago today: Mother May I?


  1. glad to hear it's all fixed now, what a nightmare!

  2. Even one day of "Little House on the Prairie" isn't fun.

    1. Especially when you're used to all the modern conveniences...

  3. Ewww, yuck. Sure glad you could get it fixed.

  4. I've never heard of this happening! At least it was an easy fix.

    1. It was a new crisis to me, too. Glad I wasn't the one who had to do the work
