Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Shortly after I got a Kindle for my birthday in January I figured out how to use it at work without anyone noticing. The mall Customer Service desk has a large overhang at the top.  I always have a water bottle tucked under there, and I just leaned the Kindle against it.  All I have to do is reach forward a bit every time I need to hit the page button.

That worked OK, but even though my water bottle is a sturdy metal model it would topple backwards if I pushed the page button too hard.  I also had a problem with the Kindle maintaining the right reading angle; it had a tendency to slide down on the slick counter top.  I looked in a couple of stores to see if I could buy a holder, but when I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for (something inexpensive and small enough to fit into my storage drawer in the back office) I decided to try making my own.

I started with a sturdy box that had held a small quilting kit....

and glued an interior section to what had been the top of the box.

I took my creation to work the next day.  It performed wonderfully, but I was concerned the bright colors and large size might draw attention to the Kindle, which was the last thing I needed.  I decided to make the stand less visible.

The first thing I did was cut it down to size.  When I did that the front lip was less sturdy, so I added additional cardboard to reinforce it.

Then, to mask the hodgepodge of colors I gave the whole thing a couple of coats of black acrylic paint.

I've already used the new and improved holder a couple of times.  It's amazing how inconspicuous it is!

Five years ago today: New Thing #68--Total Rewards


  1. Clever! I've been thinking about getting a basic Kindle. Maybe for my birthday...

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks :-) When the mood strikes I DO know how to wield an Exacto knife and a paintbrush!

  3. Have you been contacted by a manufacturer yet? Hang onto those patent rights. Very good.

  4. Very nice!!! You really could sell these!

    1. I think the picture looks better than the actual stand; I only posted the pictures that showed it's best side :-)

  5. Wow! You are so creative. That looks very professional. What a great idea! As a matter of fact, I'm having a hard time keeping up with my blogging now because I have to read the books I'm borrowing from the library before they disappear from my Kindle. I shouldn't have put so many on hold. I've learned my lesson.

    1. I rarely request books for my Kindle for that very same reason :-)
