Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Midday Sack

Did you know that National Brown-Bag-It-Day happens on May 25th each year? I didn't.

According to the folks at the National Day Calendar website, the day "recognizes the benefits of packing your lunch for work or school". I'm not in school and don't go to a physical location for work, but my schedule is always filled and you'll usually find me carrying my insulated, zebra-print lunch bag out to the car in the morning when I leave the house. 

And when I carry my insulated, zebra-print lunch bag out to the car, there's a good chance the contents will look like they do pretty much every day. My standard meal is a couple of cups of cut up raw vegetables, a protein, a homemade muffin, a piece of fruit, and a bottle of water. The combination is healthy, and way cheaper than eating out every day.

Five years ago today: Trash Can Composter


  1. Replies
    1. It is. Even though it's the same basic ingredients day after day, there's enough variety to keep me from getting bored.

  2. I would eat out every day when I worked. If I tried to brown bag it, I would either forget I brought something and go out anyway. Or eat it for a snack in the morning.

  3. Replies
    1. Sorry! I hope you found yourself a good snack.

  4. Sounds like a great lunch. Fascinating National Days.

    1. It seems like there's a Day for everything.

  5. I would save a lot of $$$ if we didn't enjoy eating out so much, but, hey, it's a Vice I intend to just Budget for at this Season of Life, we've pretty much given up all the other Vices. Your Lunch sounds healthy and yummy tho', when I worked a Career and long Hours, I usually did pack a Lunch since getting out for Lunch in my Corporate Lives wasn't always possible. I hardly ever got thru a Lunch uninterrupted when I was a Bank Executive and when I worked for the DA's Office it was a 2nd Shift and we were locked in and the Offices are in a rough part of Downtown that after Dark, wasn't a good idea to venture out in.

    1. Everyone has things they splurge on, but as long as you can afford it why not? When I'm out and about I can eat all the finger foods in my lunch bag as I drive around doing errands.

  6. I'm so glad not to ahve to brown bag anymore, or convince kids to make theirs for school!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  7. Hi Kathy - I try and have a salad everyday for lunch ... I'm an evening eater - but it works for me ... I agree trying not to eat out - unless it's a real treat. Cheers - all the best - Hilary

    1. Salads are lovely, but hard to eat when you're on the go.

  8. I love a packed lunch and how fun that yours is zebra!!!!!

    1. The bag makes me smile every time I see it.
