Saturday, May 7, 2022

Take Me Out To The Little League Game

Today, for the first time in three decades I had the opportunity to go to a little league baseball game. It was a lot of fun.

The team members were all five or six years old, and in their second year of playing organized ball. Last year they hit off a tee; this year a coach pitched soft lobs their way. Each batter had five chances to hit a pitch before a ball was set on a tee so they could successfully hit it.

Both teams were small enough that everyone got to play in the field every inning. Each time a child was assigned to a different position. I was impressed that most of the players seemed to have somewhat of a grasp of what they should be doing when a hit ball came their way. However, most of the time the hit ball went between players or over someone's head. 

During a team's batting portion players rotated through until they got three outs. Players who got on base could only run a single base at a time. There were two coaches on the field, and each dugout had another person to organize the batting order. That job was a bit like herding cats, but the players were having a lot of fun.

 Even though it had been a long time since I sat on a metal bleacher, it didn't take long for me to get back in the groove. Everything felt familiar--the parents yelling out encouragement, the smaller siblings running around and bugging their parents for concession stand treat, and the post-game team snacks.

Five years ago: Floods, Crests, And A New Day


  1. Sounds like there were no angry parents attacking the umpire. It was a good day.

    1. No umpires, so if a parent had complained it would have been to their own coaches. Great way to poison that relationship :-)

  2. Lovely picture to accompany a lovely post!

  3. What a fun event! It's been awhile since I've done this, my kids are 37, 39 and 43! (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  4. It is a treat to see little ones these days!

  5. I remember the games like yesterday.

  6. I think we played baseball as kids where you batted and when you were out, you moved to outfield, catcher moved to bat, etc. I forget what its called to play that way.
