Friday, October 9, 2015

Older Than I Look?

Today my job was to evaluate a Medicare plan sales presentation.  I won't be eligible myself until 2024.

When I asked Hubby Tony if he thought I looked old enough to blend in he said he didn't think so.  (Smart man!)  I haven't tried to look older than my age since the late 1970s, when the goal was to get into clubs, so I needed some advice.  A Google search for 'trying to look older' yielded millions of results.  I went four pages back and all but one of them targeted people in their teens and 20s.  Not exactly the demographic I was looking for.  Finally, in a post about fashion habits that make you look older, I learned that wearing ill-fitting clothes was one of the worst things you could do.   

This morning I dressed in a pair of baggy baggy elastic waist pants that have seen better days, a loose-fitting red polo shirt and comfort shoes.  It was chilly when I left the house, so I grabbed a light jacket (which just happened to be purple) and I decided with that color combination it would be OK if someone thought I was going to a Red Hat affair.

I worried all the way to the event that someone would 'out' me for being too young.  However, I had nothing to worry about.  As a matter of fact, the man sitting next to me wanted to ask me questions about the plan I currently had, so I fooled at least one person.

Five years ago today: The Long Climb


  1. I'm not bragging or anything but it's actually hard for me to look older than my age. I think it comes with being Asian. I find it funny when sometimes even even in the movie house I'd be asked for an ID. It's crazy.

    If you look younger than your age, wow good job Kathy. Other people are paying a large amount of money to look younger. You are gifted. :)

    1. Most of of the Asian people I know look younger than their chronological age.

      I think my appearance is right on track for someone as old as I am.

  2. Keep it going.
    I look in the mirror and wonder....

  3. The other thing is you could be just getting a step ahead and want to learn more maybe they expect that.

    1. That might be an option, but since it could change quite a bit I don't think most people would bother

  4. That's funny! Everyone used to tell me that I looked so young! Then I went to college and everyone pointed out how OLD I am. Just before the end of my last semester I went into a Taco Bell and ordered a meal. As I was about to pay, the cashier asked me, "You're older than 50, right?" Uh no, not even close to 50! So I've apparently gone from looking really young to much older.

    1. Must have been all those long hours and late nights up studying :-)

  5. At the end of the day, when I glance in the mirror, I see my 80-year old sister looking back at me. I seem to get older as the day goes on.

    1. With all that you have on your plate it doesn't surprise me your face would show it at the end of the day.

  6. You are funny. I would have paid to see these pictures of you.
