I started by creating about 20 hearts using phrases that might show up on real conversation hearts, saved them to my computer, then put on my thinking cap and got to work. As I typed the letter, each time I ran into one of the heart phrases I inserted the appropriate graphic. Remember when you were in school and had to use your spelling words in sentences? It was a fun challenge to take all the terms of endearment and put them into coherent thoughts. In the end I used most of the hearts I made. The resulting letter was cheesy in a fun way.
When I was done, I printed out my creation on a piece of cardstock; the many hues of the hearts made for a very colorful page. I rolled it up, tied it with a ribbon, and presented it to Tony. It was interesting to watch his face as he tried to make sense of the whole thing, but after a few seconds he got it.
How sweet! What a special valentine gift! I hope Tony loved your gift.