Tuesday, March 25, 2025

It's Was Beautiful Day To Learn Something

Last Friday I was reading the calendar section of the paper and saw that Bellefontaine Cemetery and Arboretum was having a Medal of Honor walking tour today. The event description on the cemetary website said:

Join us at the Arboretum on Medal of Honor Day for our special walking tour. During this two-hour walking tour, you will visit the graves of the 10 Medal of Honor recipients laid to rest at Bellefontaine Cemetery and Arboretum.  At each grave, their accomplishments will be read aloud from the submissions made to secure their accommodation. Attendees will carry flags to each burial location and be part of honoring these 10 heroes of our country.

There was nothing on the calendar, so Hubby Tony and I decided to go.

By the time the tour started at 1:30 pm it was sunny and warm enough to just need a fleece jacket. There were approximately 20 people on the tour, and most looked to be approximately my age. I learned that today was one of the two times each year that the medal recipients had the American and Medal of Honor flags next to their graves refreshed. (The other is on Veteran's Day.)

As the tour left the gathering building each person grabbed a flag (either American or Medal of Honor). At each grave, someone carrying an American flag placed it on the left of the tombstone and someone carrying a Medal of Honor flag did the same thing on the right. The tour guide read the official proclamation that listed their accomplishments and provided extra information.

The vast majority of Medal of Honor recipients at the cemetery fought in the Civil War, but there was one from World War I and one from the U.S.-Korean Conflict of 1871, which I hadn't heard of before. At the end of the walk the group dispersed with no fanfare. 

I can't speak for anyone else, but I was glad to have had the opportunity to combine a nice walk with a little bit of history.

Five years ago today: Let There Be Light


  1. Oh that sounds right up our alley! What a wonderful tour the cemetery does to remember the Medal of Honor recipients.

    1. I agree, and will try to remember to search out future tours.

  2. That would be an interesting and worthwhile tour to go on!

  3. It's nice for these veterans to be remembered and a lovely walk and tour for you while learning some history.

  4. What a splendid commemoration. We should all remember and honour our heroes.

  5. This is really impressive. I think we do something of the same type at the official cemetery in Ottawa for veterans, but I have never heard of it elsewhere. A good thing to do, to remember and cherish the graves. The church where my parents are buried has started a grove of trees where you can put in a tree to mark a family, but this is more personal, with the flags.

    1. I think the grove of trees sounds like a lovely idea. As they grow they'll provide great shade to sit and meditate on the deceased.

  6. You do do some interesting things!

  7. It's always nice to learn something new.

  8. I have never heard of this before-I love this honoring our heroes glad you could attend

  9. this was a great walk for you all to choose to do. a bit of history and a good walk. What a wonderful thing to be able to honor those who served.
