Friday, March 14, 2025

An Untypical Friday

My schedule on Friday is usually pretty predictable. I have a meeting at 9:30, then I run errands on the way home. After lunch I get some type of exercise, then mid-afternoon have a snack and do a crossword puzzle before starting on dinner. After dinner I watch TV/read/surf the web until bedtime.

Today didn't flow anything like that, and it was a great day.

Things started changing on Wednesday. Hubby Tony reminded me that this Friday it was his turn to drive donated sandwiches down to two organizations in the city who feed the homeless. The man who usually volunteers with him was going to be out of town. Tony checked around but was unable to find an alternate volunteer.

Tony and I had decided to eat dinner at a Fish Fry at an alternate church this week. He had come up with the suggestion of St. Alphonsus Liguori "Rock" Catholic Church, a historic Black Catholic church in St. Louis. This one was unique because it took place during the lunch hour and afternoon.

Our original plan was to stop by for an early dinner, but when I realized that it wouldn't be too much of a detour from the sandwich donation stops I told Tony I would go with him and we could have a lunch date.

Everything went according to plan. There was even time to walk through some lovely city neighborhoods after delivering the sandwich but before heading to the church. We arrived at 11:15, and I was surprised to see that the parking lot was already full.

The menu had three types of fish, and could be ordered as a meal (with spaghetti, cole slaw, a piece of bread, and a small slice of cake) or a sandwich. We both passed on the cod, which shows up everywhere, and ordered catfish and jack salmon meals.

The church had a nice delivery system. Ordering was done via a paper menu, which had a two-part ticket attached to it. After paying for the food the cashier tore the ticket in half and handed it to us, saying they would call the number when the food was ready.

The kitchen was also doing a substantial number of carry out orders, so it was a little bit of a wait for our food, but it was worth it. Each meal had two large pieces of fish, so Tony and I shared. Both of them were lightly breaded, freshly fried, and piping hot. The side dishes were fresh and tasty. 

On the way home we passed by a veteran's hospital a large group lined both sides of the street, protesting the Trump Administration’s planned cuts to veterans services. When Tony politely honked his horn the nearby protesters cheered.


  1. It's fun every once in awhile to break out of established routine! The church fish fry sounds good! The only kind of church food fundraiser I've ever been to here in Edmonton is a Ukrainian food meal -- perogies, cabbage rolls, kubasa and some kind of dessert, usually Jello, lol.

    1. The St. Louis area is heavily Catholic, and during Lent there are slews of Fish Fry options.

  2. I used to love the fish fry at JG's parents' church hall. As you describe, good and generous. We could also get fresh fish from Lake Erie when visiting there.
    Good for you to work on food insecurity. We donate, but I haven't got the muscle to work these days.
    And, for me, what the veterans need is to publicize as much as possible. The only way to wake up Trump's half of America to what the 'cuts' are really cutting up.

    1. The volunteer job Tony does is very easy-he picks up premade food from a refrigerator/freezer, loads it in the car, then drives downtown and drops it off.

  3. ACCCKKKK! I forgot about Friday fish again this year!

  4. Fish fry sounds fun -Christine

  5. It's nice to get out of your routine sometimes!!
    Have a wonderful weekend Kathy!!

  6. Your lunch looks wonderful, Kathy. I'm glad the Veterans are organizing. Our friend who actually liked Trump at one time is a Veteran getting a lot of services from the VA. He said a couple of weeks ago that he's not worried because they're not impacted. Well... there you go.

    1. I don't think everyone will come out of this impacted in some way.

  7. There needs to be more protests on a bigger scale, Trump is letting Musk destroy the country while Congress fiddles.

  8. I would say this was a complete change from your normal Friday events. The food looks great and what a wonderful Blessing that this church has going on for people. Happy weekend Kathy...

    1. And it just occurred to me that I participated in your "Try It Thursday"....a day late!

  9. It's good to have a change.
    I just read your previous post - wonderful! Meals on wheels . . . 😸😺

    1. Glad to see you're mended enough to be commenting again.

  10. Do all of the Catholic Churches in your town have a Friday fish fry? I've never heard of such a thing around here. Or, at least not on a weekly basis. Now and then one of the Catholic or Orthodox churches has a BIG fundraiser dinner and fair with ethnic foods. These are held at the really big churches in town.

    1. Not every church sponsors a fish fry, but many do during the Lenten season. According to the most recent polls 22% of the area identifies as Catholic and there are 178 parishes.

  11. Fish fry is very common here. Most restaurants have them On Friday & the churches do during lent. My mother was Orthodox & she never ate meat on Friday. Sounds like you had a wonderful day.
