Saturday, March 1, 2025


Earlier in the week I reported that my health was problematic during my recent vacation. I went to the gym for a Pilates class on Wednesday, but my cough started ramping up and I cancelled the Aqua Zumba class on Thursday. Yesterday I Zoomed into my standing meeting so I wouldn't distract other people. The weather was lovely, so Hubby Tony and I went to a nearby park (so I could social distance myself) and walked. At the end of the 45 minutes I was beat, which usually doesn't happen. For the rest of the day I drank warm water, herbal tea, and tea with honey and lemon. I gargled with saltwater, and steamed my sinuses. Nothing offered more than temporary relief. Last night was almost constant coughing.

When I woke up today I thought maybe things were better, but after breakfast I was researching urgent care centers. There, I was surprised to find out I had a fever, but was COVID- and influenza-free. However, I had a bacterial infection.

I came home with prescriptions for two types of antibiotics and a cough suppressant, and directions to stay home for at least 48 hours or until my fever goes away. Today the living room couch and bed have been my best friends, and probably will be tomorrow too.

If you don't see me for a while at least you'll know why.

Five years ago today: Comments Made In 1957


  1. Sending you love and healing aloha with my best wishes, dear friend! 🙏🏽

  2. Good thing you went and found out. Rest is what you need.

    1. I tend to dismiss my symptoms, but in this case I'm glad I got a diagnosis.

  3. Good thing you went to urgent care. Feel better soon. -Christine

  4. I'm sorry you're feeling so rough. I hope the medications will soon make you feel more like yourself. Time to indulge in a box set or two.

    1. I've watched more TV in the past 36 hours than I have in the previous month!

  5. so sorry that you are under the weather. Glad you were able to get meds to help..In our area, people have had the same symptoms only to be tested with no flu or covid...a few days later, they are testing positive for the flu. Keep resting and drinking warm tea. Take care..

    1. How scary that the initial diagnosis is incorrectl

  6. Stop doing that silly stuff like leaving the house.

  7. Your symptoms sound exactly like what I had for six days two or three weeks ago. There is a lot of respiratory illnesses going around here, all kinds. I know people who have had bronchitis for weeks after what seemed like a cold. My nephew is one of them and he's such a healthy 40 yr old guy, too, kind of surprised me. He first got sick right after Christmas.

  8. We tend to dismiss these symptoms, don't we? But I know of two people who died (yes, died!) from respiratory infections in the last two months. Glad you got sought help.

    1. I usually quite healthy and when things go wrong they're minor, so I tend to ignore things.

  9. Hope you are feeling better soon My daughter had similar symptoms and felt terrible, she had pneumonia! Two days into her antibiotics, she called to say her life was a living hell because her husband had it, too.

    1. One of my fears is that I've shared the germs with Tony, but other than his normal allergy-related cough he's had no symptoms.

  10. I have a new blog:
