Friday, November 4, 2011


When I was doing the grocery shopping the other day, one of the things on my list was potatoes. I was in a hurry, and grabbed a 10-pound bag of russets without taking a good look at the package. Later, when I was putting the food away, I noticed I'd purchased a big of "Jumbo Sized" spuds.

They weren't kidding! The bag only had eight pieces in it. The smallest potato weighed in at one pound, and the largest was more than one and a half pounds. According to the USDA guidelines a serving of potato is 1/3 pound, or about the size of a fist. Using that as a gauge, some of the specimens in my bag would feed a family of five!

I'm only cooking for two, so at first glance these potatoes would be way too big for us. However, it shouldn't be a problem. When I cook dinner, I make four servings-enough for the evening meal and leftovers for the next day. Using the biggest potatoes, some days I'll just have a little bit extra...


  1. I have done that, too. I bought a 20 lb bag, though. Don't forget that you can freeze potatoes ....

  2. Everything just keeps getting bigger and bigger...

  3. don't know if I've seen potatoes that big!

  4. Wow, that's some pretty big spuds.

    Kathy how do you freeze potatoes? I've never heard of such a thing unless they were first deep fried and left to cool then freeze them. I refuse to eat anything deep fried.

  5. Huge potatoes! At least you know they're natural (one hopes!) and not injected with hormones!

  6. They sell those huge ones at our Sams Club. They are gigantic!
