Thursday, December 26, 2024

A Wonderful Holiday

Christmas 2024 is in the books. It was a splendid day.

Hubby Tony and I treated ourselves to a big breakfast-bacon, eggs, cinnamon rolls, and strawberries washed down with plenty of fresh, hot coffee.

I got some lovely presents, including some crossword puzzle books and an assortment of herbal teas. Tony seemed to be pleased with his packages. And Pimento the Foster Cat declared that the discarded wrapping paper was the perfect present.

Son Donald joined us for dinner. I made a pan of Savory Spiced Baklava from the recipe that Liz wrote about a couple of weeks ago. The dish had two mixtures spread between layers of buttered filo dough. One contained butternut squash/chickpeas/spices. The other one had chopped chestnuts/breadcrumbs/golden raisins/broth. Both of these included sauteed onion/leeks/garlic. Layers also included crumbled feta cheese. I substituted conventional sesame seeds for the black ones the recipe called for.

Although the baklava could have stood on its own as a vegetarian entree we also had ham. Green salad and sourdough bread accompanied the main dishes. Dessert was gooey butter cake, clementines, and chunks of good dark chocolate.

The day flew by and before I knew it was over. I could hardly keep my eyes open, and the bed felt so good!

Five years ago today: A West Coast Christmas


  1. Savoury baklava sounds interesting. Glad you had a lovely Christmas. -Christine

    1. "Interesting" was also my first thought when I read about the dish.

  2. First time reading about savory baklava,
    yours seems to have been a success.
    Be well Kathy and have a great time!

  3. That all sounds delicious! Just right!

  4. Savoury? Baklava! SAVOURY? Without honey and not sweet? What is the world coming to? Savoury! With garlic no doubt. Garlic baklava!

    God bless.

    1. OH! I forgot to mention the drizzle of honey on top! Does that make a difference :-)

  5. Sounds like a delicious Christmas day! And glad Pimento had fun too.

    1. He is getting more comfortable and playful with us. We're thrilled.

  6. Savory Spiked Baklava and Herbal Teas sounds splendid! And what is it about Cats and Boxes/Paper Wrappings/Bags? They are such Simple Creatures really about what brings them absolute delight and we could Learn from them... and very small Children who also have a penchant for such things. When my Kids and Grandkids were small I always said I could have just Wrapped empty Boxes for Christmas and they'd of been just as delighted becoz that's what they were always more fascinated with and played with more than the pressies inside.

  7. I've never heard of a savory baklava but it sounds delicious! Happy New Year to you and yours!

    1. I hadn't either until Liz mentioned it on her blog. Happy New Year to you, too!

  8. I’m glad Pimento enjoyed the tissue. Susie also enjoyed tissue and boxes as well, along with her cat nip infused toys! She was in purrfect heaven.
    Sounds like another good Christmas.

  9. I was going to come back here yesterday. I didn't make it!

  10. Glad you had a good day and enjoyed your lunch!

    1. I think the baklava is going to be my newest pot luck dish.
