Tuesday, June 25, 2024

True To Type

After blogging for 15 years there are a lot of activities I come back to time and time again. Today was a good example. 

The first thing on my To Do list was a trip to the chiropractor (mentioned in approximately two dozen posts). Once again I walked in with a sore lower back and an achy left shoulder. I came out without either of those two pains. However, I know that when I return six weeks from now for my next appointment he will again be addressing those two issues and whatever else crops up.

Next, Hubby Tony and I set out on a road trip to Alton, Illinois (the subject of a dozen posts). Approximately once a year we head across the Mississippi River to replenish our supply of good balsamic vinegar (seven posts). 

The store didn't open until 11 am, so we headed to an antique mall and looked around. On the way back towards the river I happened to mention that we would drive right by Fast Eddie's Bonair, a legendary bar and restaurant. If it was open it would be a great place for lunch.

I knew I had written about my first trip to Fast Eddie's. Turns out it was on October 17, 2008 on my first blog. How time flies! Except for the prices things haven't changed much since then. The food is a loss leader, designed to get people in the door. Our meal of a quarter pound hamburger, beef tenderloin kebab with green peppers, and a basket of fries came to a couple of cents over $13. Some type of drink was required, but the waitress didn't seem to care what it was.

The place is still cash only, and there was a large sign that said it would take a minimum of 20 minutes to receive a food order. I suspect that's to get people to drink more. While we waited we helped ourselves to free popcorn. It was a little on the salty side-again probably to keep people drinking. The food itself was fabulous. I walked out stuffed.

At the vinegar store I got refills for four 375 ml bottles, and I was entitled to a free sample size bottle because I had told them my birthday was in June. On the way out of the store we asked the owner if she could recommend any coffee shops (innumerable blog mentions). She said there was a local company with a branch about five miles away so we headed there. They had already stopped making drip coffee for the day, but I ordered an Americano, which is just espresso with extra water. It did the trick.

Five years ago: Puzzling Non-Parity


  1. Wow that was a bargain! Around here one hamburger is anywhere from $16 on up - it usually comes with fries, drinks separate. So with tax and topi it’s inching upwards to about $50.

    1. The extremely cheap prices are part of the place's shtick.

  2. $13?! Sweet deal! I can't think of an equivalent deal in Canada. Today, a grocery-store sandwich and medium chocolate milk cost me $11.

  3. The food is a loss leader to get people in to buy drinks.

  4. What do you use the vinegar for--salad dressings?

    1. This vinegar is so thick and flavorful we can use it on greens and pass on the oil. I also drizzle the sweet flavors over cooked oatmeal and skip the brown sugar.

    2. I used to get that type of balsamic vinegar but the shop has since closed. It was aged 25 years & it was so good I would put in on all my veggies! The clerk said he even had folks who told him they'd put it on ice cream. Not sure about that but it was so thick & tasty.

    3. Paula, it sounds like you had the same balsamic as us. Good stuff!

  5. I remember that you and Tony would often take day trips to various places close to home. We haven't done anything like that since the pandemic, mainly due to my aversion of public restrooms. I will use one if absolutely necessary, especially when traveling, but I do my best to avoid the necessity. It got so hard to find an open restroom during the pandemic that I just started planning my life without them.

    1. Everyone has their priorities, and I find it interesting (in a non-judgemental way) to see how we're alike and different

  6. Fast Eddie's sounds like a good deal and most likely the prices can be lower because it is a cash-only place and no fees need to be paid to credit card companies. The balsamic vinegar must be really good for you to make the trek and nice to receive a free sample size for your birthday and Happy 🎂 wishes to you.

    1. The only vinegar we've found that can compete was at a farmer's market in Hawaii. That makes the trip to Illinois seem like nothing :-)

  7. I had heard that weight lifting, specifically dead lifts, were good for a bad back. I started doing them. One day I heard a loud pop in my back. I haven't had any problems since.

    1. I haven't done dead lifts for a while, but they feel SO good! What do you use for weight?

    2. I have plenty of weights in the basement. Free weights and a weight machine. But I was at the community center where I could put on some extra weight on the free weights. 265 pounds popped my back loose.

  8. What do you typically use all that good balsamic vinegar for? Salad dressing comes to mind, but what else?

    1. We use the savory (traditional and garlic cilantro) for salad or greens. The sweet varieties (white pineapple and strawberry) get drizzled on top of oatmeal. It's sweet enough that I can skip the brown sugar.

  9. Glad your chiropractor got you all healed up and you had a nice trip to Alton. I haven't been to that place in about 35 years. I had some buddies in college that lived there and we went back for a weekend to hang out.

    1. Alton has a nice small downtown riverfront area and is on the Great River Road. It's also close to multiple natural areas.

  10. Your chiropractor sounds like a magician. I wonder if he could fix my knee. :-)

    1. Most of his adjustments have me pain-free for a couple of weeks, but the annoying ones come back. That's why I go for what he calls 'regular tune ups'.

  11. It sounds so good to be pain free even for a few days!!
    The food you ate in relation to its price is very good value for money!!
    We also often do day trips here, I love them!!
    Thanks for taking us along for the ride Kathy!!

  12. Aches and pains - all part of life, sadly.
    (I'd like to follow your blog but can't see a 'follow' sign.)

    1. The followers section is on the right side of the page, between the Blog Archives and My Blog List
