Sunday, June 2, 2024

I'm Not Crazy (Thank Goodness)!

Yesterday morning I got myself a cup of tap water and noticed it had a slightly 'off' smell and taste. I asked Hubby Tony if he had observed any issues. He hadn't. However, for the rest of the day my Adam's ale wasn't as it should be.

The problem was still there today. Once again I questioned Tony about the issue. He said the water was the same as always. I wondered if my sense of taste and smell were going bonkers. In 2007 St. Louis tap water was named "Best Tasting City Water in America". Since that time other cities have surpassed us, but ours is still up there in quality.

Eventually I turned to the internet to see what was going on. I felt vindicated when I read on the water company website:

Due to rains within the Missouri River watershed and the associated change in source water characteristics, customers may experience a slight yellow or greenish tint in certain locations within St. Louis County and Missouri American Water Customers in St. Charles County. Additionally, customers may experience taste and odor in their tap water. This taste and odor may range from a chlorine or chemical taste to an earthy musty taste and odor. Treatment measures are being utilized to minimize these conditions. Please be aware that there are no health risks. Our team is continuously testing to confirm safe drinking water standards are met. The water should return to normal by June 4th.

Now I will drink my 'off' water without worry and know that things will be returning to normal soon.


  1. Thank goodness! -Christine

  2. I’ve grown up and been spoiled drinking San Francisco water- one of the best in the nation. It comes from comes from the beautiful Tuolumne River near Yosemite and the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir. Then we move up here and I drink bottled water! My husband says it’s all in my head. It’s supposedly comes from springs around Mt Shasta. In fact the bottled water I get is from those very springs but it’s something about the pipes. Yuck!
    It’s good you have nothing to worry about. Not like Flint Mi.

    1. I really don't care for the water at my son's house in the Central Valley.

  3. I haven't noticed anything yet. But I know my water comes from the Meramec watershed. ... (I just went to look at the map.) ... You look like you are in the Missouri river watershed which is where the problem is. Lucky you! 😁

    1. How interesting that you live 10 minutes from me but draw from a different watershed.

    2. You are just barely in the Missouri River water shed. Right on the edge.

  4. I drink bottled water that comes from various springs. I've once made an experience with boiling both tap water and mineral water - and the result made me opt for mineral water.

  5. It's not nice when the tap water tastes off. Sometimes, our water tastes very chlorinated.

    1. I dislike both the taste and smell of chlorine.

  6. I'm glad it's still safe to drink.

  7. wow. So glad it's safe. But I'd still use filtered because I am a paranoid gal. :-) I always heard it was NYC water that was the best tasting. Since I only drink water or alcoholic beverages I can tell the difference in water from place to place I've lived. Everyone thinks I'm nuts but I can tell. I also drink about 2liters of water a day and that may account for some of it.

    1. We can get chilled filtered water through the refrigerator door, but most of the time I just turn on the tap and fill my cup.

  8. You have a keen sense of taste.

  9. I'm impressed with your tasting abilities!

    1. My sense of smell has never been great, so thank goodness something works well.

  10. Those with a sensitive Palate can tell the subtle nuances of a Change in The Force. *winks*

  11. what a relief to know you were right
    i share your sensitivity regarding such things Kathy and most of the time i am right
