Back in January my brown leather shoes
fell apart when I went to put them on. It was time to replace them. My foot is weirdly shaped (I have a wide forefoot and a narrow heel) so it's hard for me to find shoes that fit. I had no idea how hard it would be, though!
Brown did not seem to be a very popular color this year. After stopping in several big box shoe stores with no success I paid a visit to a comfort shoe store that recently opened near me. I walked in and explained the situation, and the clerk jokingly exclaimed it was a shame I couldn't just stick with tennis shoes. She brought out several styles for me to try on, but nothing was just right. A store at the mall had a pair that fit perfectly...and cost $150,
way more than I wanted to spend.
Finally I exhausted my options, and decided I would make do until warmer weather let me pull out my summer shoes. If I happened to be in a store that sold shoes I would glance down the aisles, but didn't expect to find anything. Two weeks ago we were running errands when Hubby Tony announced he needed new shoes. I went with him into the store, and was slightly depressed when he found a pair after ten minutes of looking.
A couple of days later I got a coupon in the mail for that very same shoe store. I told Tony, and we agreed it was a shame he couldn't have saved a little money on his purchase. The next time my errands took me towards that store I stopped in, with no expectation that I would have any luck.
I walked through the casual shoe section and headed back to the clearance area. The first three racks didn't have anything remotely close to what I was looking for, but on the fourth rack I saw a box containing a pair of dark brown Merrell slip ons (a new to me brand). Holding my breath I tried them on. They felt comfortable, so I gave them the walk test. Hallelujah! They fit! I couldn't believe my luck.
At the cash register I learned that not only were the shoes 20 percent off, I could use my mail coupon ($10) and another $10 coupon I had cached in my account. According to the receipt I had saved almost as much as I paid for the shoes.
I've worn the shoes enough now to know they are as comfortable as my original assessment thought they'd be. They look like they're made out of sturdy leather, so I hope I get many years of wear out of them before I have to start the shoe shopping process again.
Five years ago today: