Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Please Stand....

Last night was the second of the two St. Louis Cardinal baseball games that Hubby Tony bought tickets for at the beginning of the season. This one was special, because we were also celebrating Tony's birthday.

The day started out normally, but in the late morning some nearby construction led to a broken water main and all of a sudden water to the building was off. An hour later our internet went down. Tony and I soldiered on for a while, but eventually decided to leave the house early and run some errands before going to dinner and the game.

Dinner was at Michael's Bar and Grill. The restaurant has been around for decades, but we had never been before. Tony and I both got the Greek Sampler platter-a choice of moussaka (Tony) or pastitio (me), along with dolmades and spanakopita.

We entered the stadium during the string of ceremonial first pitches and made our way up to our seats on the right field side. That section was still in the sun, so we went back out to the concourse and found a bench in the shade. The announcer introduced the lineups for the Pirates and the Cardinals, then asked everyone to rise for the singing of God Bless America and the National Anthem.

In the concourse many people ignored the first song, which was performed by an elementary school choir. However, I was proud to see that right before the Star Spangled Banner the vast majority of people stood up, or stood still if they were walking, and took their hats off for the duration of the song. The elementary school band did a good job of performing. At the end of the song everyone went back to their previous activity.

(And Tony I ended up finding empty seats on the shady side of the stadium. Given the Cardinal's poor performance so far this season there were plenty to pick from. The first eight innings were scoreless, but the Pirates got two runs in their half of the ninth and the Cardinals only managed to get one run for yet another loss.) 

Five years ago today: Blues Win!


  1. Hope the house was ok when you returned -Christine

    1. According to the texts we got from our downstairs neighbor, both issues were resolved by 5:00.

    2. There is a relief!
      We've a big storm coming and I always get nervous.

  2. I used to love going to Giant baseball games.
    My mom was a huge Giant fan and when we lived in the city, they had “ladies day” and she’d go with the other housewives back then. Us kids would get off school and go to the laundromat at the corner and wait for our moms! Now we’re 250 miles north! Going down is such a hassle and traffic I am no longer used to. My son is going down with friends and will park on the other side of the bay and take the ferry over. Now that sounds like fun.
    That’s nice that some still stand for the National Anthem.

    1. Your son's activity sounds like a nice adventure.

  3. Bob and I enjoy going to the Royals' games too!! We often get tickets from non-profit fund raising auctions..But when they are doing well the prices can get really high!!

    1. The past few years, even when the Cardinals were doing well they would offer inexpensive tickets at the beginning of the season for weekday games.

  4. I'm glad to hear that there is still some respect for the red, white, and blue. Glad you were able to celebrate Tony's birthday and go to a game.

    1. It's Judee from Gluten Free A-z Blog- forgot to sign in above.

    2. Thanks, Judee. Blogger's quirks are annoying, aren't they?

  5. The cardinals got their head out their butts for a while but it didn't last long.

  6. Sorry they lost on the night you were there, that's always a bummer to me.
    Next one!

    1. And the kicker is that they won the next day.

  7. Happy Birthday to Tony. Hope he has a great year, sounds like he had a good start with his birthday celebration--good food and some fun with his favorite person.

  8. Happy belated birthday to Tony. Sorry the Cardinals didn't deliver but they have been stinking it up for the past two years.

    1. The sports talk radio call in shows are starting to get downright hateful.

  9. Happy Birthday. Many Happy Returns.

    God bless.

  10. Belated 🎂 greetings to Tony and too bad about the game loss. Good to have found a seat in a shaded area and glad the water issue and Internet were resolved by the time you returned home. At least there was better news than the Cardinals loss.

    Also, thanks for the visit and comment on my blog, much appreciated, Kathy

  11. I've never been to a baseball game and find them, like most sports games, very boring. But I know lots of big time baseball fans. I hope your water and internet were back on when you got home.
