Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Only One For Me Is You And You For Me

Hubby Tony and I went to church tonight.  Right before the end of Mass the priest asked all the married couples to stand for a special blessing.

There was a family group sitting several pews ahead of us that had Dad and Mom on the ends, with their three children between them.  When the blessing started I watched the boy closest to his dad give him a nudge, point down to where his mom was standing, then push his legs back against the pew so dad could scoot by.  His siblings got the message and also moved.  A couple of seconds later both parents were standing next to each other.

Their movement started a chain reaction.  The family in front of us was sitting in the same arrangement, so the man moved down to be next to his wife.  Even though we didn't have anyone in between us Tony took my hand and held it.

Five years ago today: "YOU AND I" Will Be A Team "FOREVER"