Friday, February 7, 2025

Something We Can All Agree On (Unless You're A Vampire)

Most mornings Hubby Tony and I get up about the same time. I take the first shower. He feeds the cat, opens up the blinds in the main part of the house, and starts the coffee. However, on Fridays he goes to Mass and then meets up with some friends. He is gone before I roll out of bed. 

This morning I came into the kitchen at approximately 6:45 and noticed the room was less than completely dark. I could even see the house that's across the arterial street. When I checked my weather app it told me that first light this morning was at 6:35 am.

The days are getting longer. Hallelujah!



  1. I have mixed emotions about daylight savings. I hate it in the summer because we’re in the 100’s and that strong hot sun bakes on us for longer - 9 pm and it’s still light out. I wish it would just stay regular like Arizona and Hawaii. California voted to kick daylight savings to the curb - it won but nothing has been done now for several years. Just too hot in the summer.

    1. Believe it or not, I wasn't even thinking of DST when I saw a hint of brightness in the sky when it used to be completely dark. It just made me happy to know that the days are getting longer.

  2. We're looking forward to the clocks going forward again. It's so nice to see more daylight and earlier.

    1. I'll cross the daylight savings time bridge when I come to it.

  3. I actually love it when it gets dark early (part vampire, part baker). That said, I also love a fresh new spring with flowers, sunshine and bugs.

    1. Each season of the year has its advantages...and by the end of each season I'm ready for a new one.

    2. I totally get that. I feel that way about decorations. When I first put them up I'm like, "I'm gonna wanna keep this up FOREVER." Then one morning I wake up and I'm done. Ready for a new holiday or just nice and plain.

  4. I don't know, but every time the days get longer,
    I feel a sense of optimism,
    while when they get shorter,
    I feel a bit melancholic—so hooray!

    1. Katerina, I hadn't thought about the optimism that comes with more light during the day. Thanks!

    2. I agree! More sunshine and longer days lift my spirits. Terry and I are working on our calendars this Saturday morning, with lots of plans for the next 6 months, so that too lifts my spirits.

  5. Replies
    1. Me too. I bet you have some that are at least that good (if not better).

  6. such a good picture...I am ready for longer days and I really, really want Day light savings time.

    1. Daylight Savings Time is such a divisive topic. People either love it or they hate it.

  7. It takes a long time before we notice the length of days getting longer here in Hawaii and it's not as dramatic as it used to be in Illinois.

    1. Interesting! I wonder if it's because Hawaii is so much farther south.

  8. I haven't seen the sun from my basement for years! 😄

  9. This year, I'm not sure I want to see more of these days.

  10. Same here and I can't wait to spring arrive!

  11. agree more daylight the more we can enjoy the scenery.

  12. It’s always such a nice feeling when the days start getting longer! That extra bit of light in the morning can make such a difference, especially when the weather gets brighter too. It sounds like you and Tony have a cozy routine together, with him getting the house ready and you starting your day. Hope you enjoy the increasing daylight!
