Saturday, November 2, 2024

Easiest Overwintering Ever

The first summer Hubby Tony and I lived in our condo I got some flowers in baskets to hang on the deck, but it didn't take me long to realize the orientation of the building wasn't conducive to growing annuals. The deck didn't get enough sun for them to thrive, but got too much sun for shade lovers. My solution was to get a supply of metal flowers, which I display in two large ceramic pots filled with pea gravel.

 When the weather turns cool, instead of pulling up spent plants all I have to do is carry my 'garden' inside. I check the flower stems for rust and bundle them together, then carry everything down to the storage area. Flowers go on the shelf. Pots go on the floor


  1. Do you get metal flowers at the Metallica store?

  2. That sounds like something I could do here.

    1. Once the pots are in place on the deck I don't have to think about them until it's time to bring them in.

  3. I like it! I like it! That's so pretty.

  4. That's lovely. Colour and interest without worrying about watering or insect pests.

  5. I love this!! I have one area of our yard that faces the West sun and no matter what I plant, nothing seems to do good. this year, I did some pots with metal flowers. Had one guy stop in our circle drive and want to know what kind of flowers they were. LOL.. 😂

  6. I’ll have to take a photo of my flower boxes on my picket fence. It’s impossible to grow anything flowery as it faces south and out 105+ temperatures in the summer kills them. So I saw outside a restaurant in town they mixed faux flowers in with real greenery and it looked beautiful! So that’s what I did. Everyone keeps asking me about the flowers because they look real. Funny.
    I love those tin flowers! Good idea. I have a few tin sunflowers.

    1. I've seen people use silk flowers, but the colors fade quickly from sunlight.

  7. What a great idea! And pretty flowers.

  8. So beautiful.

  9. Good idea. I just love having fresh flowers around sadly they die so this is a pretty solution.

  10. That was a good solution and now you can have flowers blooming whenever you decide.
