Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Weather See-Saw

The weather here has been a little bonkers. The average high for late October is in the mid-60° F range, and the average low in the mid-40° F, but only two out of the last ten days were average. Today when I rolled out of bed it was almost 70° F, and the high was forecast to be 86° F! 

The above-average numbers are doing a number on my mind and body. 

  • The weather swings have impacted my sleeping. My body had gotten used to brisk overnight temperature, and last night wasn't. I was too warm with the sheet on but too cool without it. I tossed and turned so much I woke up with a stiff neck and a sore lower back.
  • It's hard to figure out what to wear. Sunday was one of the normal temperature days. When I left the house in the morning I wore jeans, a long sleeved shirt, a denim jacket, and a fluffy scarf around my neck. This morning when I left for a yoga class at the gym I wore shorts, a tee, and sandals. Later in the day I had to dig through my clothes to find things I thought I was finished with for the year.

  • The days are getting shorter, which means the sun is lower in the sky at this time of year, but my brain associates warm weather with the length of the day. In the morning the sun should have been much higher in the sky as I was driving to the gym. At the end of the day it felt like it was getting dark way too early.
  • After lunch Hubby Tony and I took a walk through the neighborhood across the street, where we admired some impressive fall foliage. A brisk wind kept things feeling cooler than they actually were, but I tried to stay in the shade as much as possible because in the sun it was hot! I came home sweaty enough to change my clothes.

Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 80s again before rain comes through and knocks the temperatures back down to normal. I can't wait.


  1. That's a lot of change. 86 this time of year? wow! We're going to have more rain, maybe 3 more inches later in the week and this weekend. Snow in the mountains. Lots of it. It's early for that. Usually ski resorts feel lucky if they can open by Thanksgiving or just after.

    1. I read in the newspaper today that parts of Missouri are in an extreme drought state.

  2. Same weather swings here in Toronto

  3. I hope the weather settles down for you. It's disconcerting when it's unseasonal.
    Those red trees are gorgeous.

  4. Such a Gorgeous Tree with all of the Red flame colors. I am with you on this weather. 89 degrees is not Fall weather for sure. I am so ready for cooler temps and some rain.. God knows our need for rain and hopefully we will get some tonight. Happy Wednesday...and I hope the weather is nicer

    1. There's been no Halloween sweaters or sweatshirts for me this year!

  5. Your neighborhood is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I sure hope your back feels perfect soon. Aloha!

  6. It's always crazy this time of year. It was hot 2 days ago and today it was pretty chilly. Hopefully those warm days are gone for a while now though.

    1. Thirty years ago the Halloween season meant themed sweaters and sweat shirts. I can't imagine putting something like that on this year!

  7. Ah, that's how it is every October-November in Texas!

  8. It's Thursday morning and the rain is letting up. I was cutting grass yesterday, all day, and created quite the dust storm.

    1. When the service was cutting the common areas on Monday there was the same dust storm. I had to come inside and take an allergy pill.

  9. Fall has come late this year to the San Joaquin Valley. The nights are just now getting cool enough for a blanket. Our trees have not turned colors because the nights have been so warm but I think that is about to change. It's okay with me because we will have enough cold weather this winter and I am not a fan of the colder temperatures.

  10. We had that last week and now it is back to kind of normal. I was hoping it would hold out for Halloween so the kids could have an OK night of trick-or-treating but it is going to be a little chilly.

    1. I remember many years trying to figure out how to incorporate winter coats into Halloween costumes

  11. My daughter in Chicago was surprised a few days ago when they hit 80 also. Well... we were warm here in Hawaii also but lots of rain. Have a fun Halloween.

    1. Most times Chicago weather is very similar to ours...and it sounds like Christine's in Toronto!

  12. Remember when we could rely on the weather/climate? Sigh.

  13. sorry your mind and body are finding warmth in this part of the year unusual dear Kathy

    sadly weather since few years has start to become unpredictable which affects mind and body health over all
    thanks for stunning shot from your walk
    it made my day :)
