Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Are You Ready?

I'm tired of cold weather and SO ready for winter to be over, but it's determined not to leave just yet. For the past few days the weather forecasters have been forecasting (with a gleam in their eye) a big storm heading our way. Tomorrow we're supposed to get snow, sleet, or freezing rain. Maybe all three.  Since we've had very little inclement weather this winter, it's all anyone wants to talk about.

In advance of the nasty stuff, the temperature's plummeted.  On Monday I wore a light jacket.  When I woke up this morning it was 19°F, with a wind chill that made it feel even colder. It would have been easy to stay inside until I had to leave for work at 11:30, but after breakfast I made myself go to the gym. My body won't get in shape by lazing around the house!  I was lucky enough to get a parking space close to the gym door, so I left my coat in the car and hustled into the building.  Even with the short trip I was cold by time I got inside.

At the back of the gym there's a white board where one of the trainers writes inspirational notes. Before I got on my treadmill I went to use the bathroom and took a look at the board as I walked by.  It said:

97 days to swimsuit season

I can't wait!


  1. Good for anyone who hits the water Memorial Day. I'm still in long sleeves and flannel jammies then.

    1. I don't know if I'll be wearing a swimsuit either, but I think there's an excellent chance I won't be wearing a winter coat.

  2. I just heard the news on the weather report tonight that there's a big front moving through the Midwest. My daughter is holding her breath hoping it doesn't unleash too much snow. What a winter!!!

    1. Chicago always seems to get more winter weather than we do here. All of the other systems so far this winter have missed us.

  3. it's been so cold here the past few days, I'm getting aches and pains.

  4. Just heard on our evening news that they are asking everyone in Missouri to stay home tomorrow. Wondered if you would be able to do that.

    1. You're hearing about our weather all the way over in California!?! That's crazy.

      I have a standing morning meeting (which I suspect will be cancelled), and a fish fry at church in the late afternoon (by which time I hope the roads are cleared)

    2. The national news always goes overboard on weather reports. I guess it's because we never have any weird weather out here that no one ever hears about our weather. It has been colder here this year than is normal. And those storms going through your area were rain storms here that brought more cold weather. The forecasters keep promising warmer temps but they don't show up.
