Monday, January 13, 2025

Not Earth Shattering, But Still Enjoyable

The Internet is an endless source of enlightenment.

Today I learned about Landsat, which is a joint program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Since 1972 the program has launched a series of satellites that continuously capture images of the Earth's surface.

The NASA Landsat Science website has a lot of important scientific material. And some not so significant, but an awful lot of fun. One of the pages is called Your Name In Landsat. When you type a name into the box and click the Enter button, the page returns a set of images that mirror the letters in the name.

'Kathy' - can you see it?
Five years ago today: Home Sweet (New) Home


  1. Wow that is so cool. And yes, I see your name.

  2. Yes, I see it. Very interesting. Heading on over to do mine.

  3. Our omoma written with the horizontal division of the earth is very beautiful!! I didn't know about this program, thanks for the info Kathy!!

  4. Down the rabbit hole I went. I could waste days on this site.

  5. That is fun. I bet some names cause problems, though . . . those with x and z for example.

    1. Just for fun I tried the names Lizzy and Max and had no problems.

  6. This is so took me a few seconds to see your name written, but once I saw it, I clearly saw it.

  7. Cute! But someone sat there and matched up those land masses with the alphabet letters. Linda in Kansas

  8. Oh wow! I've never heard of this. This looks like so much fun. And yes, I certainly do see KATHY.
