Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Who Will Eat It?

Last week I was talking to the business manager at the church. As part of our conversation, I learned that the parishes around his farm in Calhoun County in Illinois vied for the bragging rights for the best turtle soup.

I said I had eaten a lot of food, but turtle soup was not one of them. Business Manager said he had a container in his freezer and asked if I wanted to serve it as part of a staff lunch. Maybe with sandwiches? I told him I would let him know. A couple of days later I found a nice eye of round roast in the discounted section of the grocery store. It would make great sandwiches, and just like that I had a meal planned.

On Monday I roasted the meat and put it in the refrigerator. Today I sliced it thin, poured the drippings on top, and reheated it. (In addition to the soup and sandwiches there was a green salad, chips, pickles, and cheesecake).

The frozen soup filled half of a round paper ice cream container. After it was heated, the tomato base was thick with small pieces of meat that looked like hamburger. I sampled the soup, and discovered the meat tasted like a cross between dark meat chicken and pork, with a little bit of gamy thrown in. The broth had an unidentifiable sweet spice flavor (allspice? cloves?).

Looks a little bit like chili, doesn't it?

 I put both small and large bowls on the serving line so people who wanted soup could take a little bit or more. There were seven people for lunch today. Several did not take soup. (One person said they had some before and did not like it. Two are not adventurous eaters.)  One person took a small bowlful, but did not eat it. The rest of us filled large bowls and chowed down. 

At the end of the meal there were several servings of soup left over, and I brought a little bit home for Hubby Tony. He liked it, too.

Five years ago today: One Thing Leads To Another....


  1. Thanks for the review. I've never had it and not sure I'd ever try it. I've had alligator tail which is a bit like cubes of white chicken meat. Maybe the church folks want some frog legs and alligator tail? Linda in Kansas

    1. I had alligator when I was in New Orleans. That was several decades ago, but I don't remember 'not' liking it so it must have been good. I'm not a fan of frog legs at all. Too much work for the payoff!

  2. I'm an adventurous eater but ... I'm not sure I would try turtle soup! Nor do I eat snails or eels... sorry.

    1. I agree that snails are an acquired taste. I've not had eel, but seeing them swimming around in the vat at the Asian market grosses me out.

  3. Never heard of turtle soup thanks for the photo -Christine

  4. Your job cooking and serving the meals is so interesting. I hate when people take food and then don't eat it. Glad some of you enjoyed the soup.

    1. I'm guessing the person took some soup just to be polite. If it was me, though, I would have served myself a spoonful instead of a full ladle.

  5. I just caught and dispatched a mole in my yard. I should have saved it. Mole soup?

  6. Hmmm... This sounds very interesting. I've never had this either.

    1. Obviously the dish didn't make it to the north part of Illinois when you lived in Chicago.

  7. I'm not sure if I would have tried the soup, sometimes you just get pictures in your head and you can't get them out. I probably would have had to smell it, then decide.

  8. The calzone sounds good but i'm not sure about turtle soup.
