Wednesday, September 13, 2023

No Retreating For Me

Since June I've been one of 30 women planning a religious retreat at a local retreat center. The event starts on Thursday evening and ends on Sunday morning, but since I'm part of the organizing team my weekend actually starts with set up Thursday morning. It should. But it won't.

Monday morning Hubby Tony and I did money counting at the parish office. The counting is done in a room with a large conference table.Tony and I were at one end of the table and the other two people (another couple) sat at the other end.

Tuesday morning we received an email from one of the other counters saying they had just tested positive for Covid. The CDC guidelines say that anyone exposed should wear a mask, and then isolate if symptoms show up. I mulled over what that would mean for a weekend-long event. I would hate to be the one to pass on the virus to anyone, but I knew that at least one of the planning team members had respiratory issues and chances were good that other planning team members or retreatants would too. 

In the end my mulling was pointless; this morning I woke up with a scratchy throat, a headache, and a general 'off' feeling and it was obvious what I had to do.

I emailed the retreat leadership team and the organizers of the events I was working on to let them know, and made arrangements to drop off my supplies at another team member's house. When that was done I put away the personal items I had piled in the corner of the bedroom to take with me, and recycled the paperwork I no longer needed.

The event will go on without me, but it will be strange to have a quiet weekend instead of the jam-packed one I have been planning for. 

Five years ago today: The Middle Of The Month


  1. Didn't you just get over this recently?

  2. Sorry, Kathy -- I think Blogger gobbled up my earlier comment. I was just saying, two of our Bible study ladies' hubbies were exposed to Covid last month while at a retreat (Walk to Emmaus). Mask up!

    1. When our church hosted this same women's retreat last year a third of the people there came down with Covid. I was NOT going to be the one to set off another super spreader event!

  3. Bummer! Test for covid with a home kit, then remember to ask your doc when you can get your newest variant covid shot that's coming to most drug stores and doc offices this week! Drink water! Linda in Kansas

    1. Bummer indeed! I've been waiting to get my flu shot so I can combine it with the new covid vaccine.

  4. Oh shoot, I'm sorry. There's a lot of it going around here again. I get my booster shot tomorrow.

    1. I'm glad to hear you're taking care of yourself.

  5. I'm sorry you are missing your much anticipated event, but even more saddened to learn you are sick. Doggone it! Take care of yourself and you'll be ready for the next event.

    1. So far all my symptoms are mild...sometimes I even forget I'm sick for a couple of minutes.

    2. Much like I felt last Christmas when we were diagnosed with Influenza A. I had a cough. That was it. Terry, though, was very sick. I hope this year's flu vaccine is a better fit than last year's.

    3. None of our acquaintances mentioned being very ill with the flu, but I hope for the sake of those that were this year's vaccine does a better job.

  6. I'm so sorry you will miss the Retreat and Hope you don't have The Rona? Have you Tested Positive yet? Healing Energies sent your way.

  7. How frustrating to go through all of that effort, then miss the event, but we all need to be vigilant in erring on the side of caution when it comes to our impact on the health of others. I hope, whatever you have, that you're feeling better soon.

    1. I agree that being extra cautious is the best policy.

  8. Take advantage of the down time to rest! Better to be safe than sorry. I was always worried that if I got it, I would infect others. We were very careful because we both had heart attacks as Covid struck. I have an appointment at my clinic next week and I hope they have the latest vaccine in stock!

    1. My body is telling me in no uncertain terms when it's time to nap :-) I have an appointment for a physical next week and will definitely be discussing vaccines.
