Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Many Hands Make It Fun

Tonight I hosted a baking session for group of teenagers who are having a sale at an event this weekend. The baking was open to everyone, but ended up being three young ladies and two adults besides me. The two hour session was a lot of fun.

Last week I started by finding some easy to make recipes:
Today I purchased all of the ingredients. Back at home I grouped the non-perishable items for each recipe on the window seat in the kitchen, along with the recipe. Shortly before the group arrived I got out measuring cups, spoons, bowls, cookie sheets, and aluminum pans.

One of the teens had a previous commitment and came late, but the rest of the group arrived together. I threw some frozen pizzas into the oven and we got started on the recipes that didn't need to be baked. The teens seemed to have some experience in the kitchen, but each paired up with an adult assistant. All I had to do was pull out the perishable ingredients and find things like pots and rubber spatulas. When the last teen arrived I helped her.

While the cookies were baking (which took four sessions in the oven for all of the dough) I worked on putting things in the dishwasher while the other adults wrote out labels for the products. The girls ate and socialized. At the end of the night the cookies and Krispies Treats were ready to be bagged, but the fudge and candy bars needed a little more time to set up so I will do that tomorrow.

On Friday I will put everything in my car and transport it to the event, then my part in the sale is done.

Five years ago today: Hush-Hush


  1. Lovely event for a good cause, sounds fun too.

  2. You sure helped them out and sounds like a good time too.

  3. How fun. I would have enjoyed something like that, except for the pizza because I can't stand the smell of cheese. LOL.

  4. Why not leave some cookies by the computer so we can all taste them?

    God bless.

  5. I would of come just for the Payday Candy Bar recipe!!!!
