Wednesday, January 16, 2019

How Do You Sleep At Night?

I was surfing the internet tonight and I came upon a mindless quiz called Which Position Do You Sleep In? by Karina Collins. According to the home page of the website, she is a psychic and tarot card reader.

The quiz starts out by explaining that the way someone curls up in bed says a lot about their personality. Next it offers six popular positions-Fetal, Log, Yearner, Soldier, Freefaller, and Starfish and describes the characteristics imparted by that position.

I don't know about you, but I couldn't fit myself neatly into one category. At the beginning of the night I start out laying on my right side with my legs are curled up a bit, but not quite to Fetal. But before I fall asleep I turn over onto my left side, and assume the same position.  (If I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom I repeat the procedure each time.) When my neck hurts I'll lay on my back like a Soldier, turning my head to one side and stretching out my neck. If it's hot the Soldier turns into a Starfish, with my arms spread out to catch some coolness. Sometimes  I'll also snuggle a small pillow up against my chest, which puts my arms out in front like a Yearner. The only thing I never do is sleep on my stomach.

On the website every position had positive characteristics attributed to it, so I must be a sociable sensitive romantic who is open, spiritual, sophisticated, and reserved, and has good self esteem.

Five years ago today: Operation Cold


  1. Hmmm... I'm like you. My problem is not getting enough sleep. Sigh.

    1. I find that I get a pretty good sleep about half of the time. I'll follow up a rotten night with a great one.

  2. I am a soldier, seems better for my back these days.

    1. I agree. I'm laying on my back more and more.

  3. I sleep on my back, any way I can. Too many broken bones for anything else. Quite good for my personality, it seems.

  4. I sleep hanging upside down from a hammock. Problematic when going to the bathroom.

    God bless.

  5. I must have multiple personalities. I use all of these including sleeping on my stomach. I usually sleep that way when I have cramps.

  6. I mostly sleep on my side and when the pillow gets too hot I turn the pillow over and also turn over to the other side.
    Never usually sleep on my back or my stomach.
    Interesting post Kathy!
    Peggy xxx

    1. Turning over the pillow to find the cool side is sometimes the best part of my night!
