Friday, May 24, 2024

To-Do Tool

I was recently introduced to the concept of the 'needle list'--the everyday things I need to do, but put off doing, then feel bad about not getting them done. The term was coined by Serena Wolf, who says:
"...the Needle List is a running list of smaller tasks that I am prone to procrastinate—think returns, personal emails/texts, cleaning “the chair,” organizing a drawer, getting something repaired, making non-urgent medical appointments, sending thank you notes, etc. These little to-dos, which usually take only a few minutes to complete—live rent-free in the back of my mind and just NEEDLE me on a daily basis."

Serena says she blocks time off once a week to tackle the things on her list, which makes life less stressful. My schedule is pretty flexible, so I try to spend a 15 or 20 minutes each day, which keeps my list in check.
Five years ago: Don’t Fry Day!


  1. "Needle List" -- great name! Yes, we all have one, don't we. I know I do!

    1. Now that I've heard that name I don't think I can call my list anything else.

  2. I like your method of taking 15 minutes each do you choose the 15 minutes? Morning, evening? End of day? Right after breakfast? I have a list of those small tasks that need to be done posted at my desk, along with the bigger things to do, and sometimes those items get moved along to the next list. Right now, one is to address and mail birthday and anniversary cards. I bought the cards, and they sit on my desk...

    1. Because of my schedule I don't have a specific everyday time. For the most part I'm most productive in the morning, but after my afternoon snack and coffee is another good time. Never after dinner.

  3. Ah.. I hadn't heard of that before.

  4. Haven't heard of the needle list. But I think it's easier to get the little things done so I can ignore the big things. I get a couple of little things done and I'm done for the day. 😆
