Monday, February 12, 2024

Nowhere To Be Found

Blogger has two basic types of commenting:

  • Embedded-allows users to reply directly on the post.
  • Full page and Popup window-opens a new comment page.

I've chosen the Embedded style, because I think the option to comment on other people's responses allows for more give and take. Usually.

Tonight I opened up my blog to reply to a few new comments. The responding option was MIA because the hyperlink (blue text) was gone.

I wonder if a harried developer was updating the code and forgot a space or didn't close some parentheses. I hope the issue is fixed soon.

Five years ago: No Good Deed Goes Unrewarded


  1. I use the pop-up window option and I've ALWAYS wondered how to get my blog to allow me to respond directly underneath a comment -- I had no clue it was made possible by choosing the other, embedded option! And now it appears it's too late for that knowledge to do me any good.

    1. As of 10:30 this morning the link functionality is back!

    2. Glad you got your comment mojo back. I have a Wordpress app on my phone that allows me to like and comment on comments that I get on my blog site. I get an email message for each comment, and sometimes, I can actually send an answer from the email, but usually I have to go out to the app.

    3. There used to be a Blogger app, but eventually Google stopped supporting it. I get an email when someone comments, and reply from my desktop or laptop computer.

  2. Blogger is always not working for one reason or another.

  3. For a free service, it really is a pain-in-the-arse!

  4. Oh dear! At least you know what you're talking about. All a mystery to me.

    1. It does sound like I do, but I also did research to find the correct terms to use :-)

  5. I've been thinking of switching over but didn't know how easy or hard it would be. Or how I could screw things up by doing it.

    1. From what I remember changing the style was a matter of going to the settings page and clicking a radio button.

  6. Blogger can be so annoying sometimes!

  7. It's great to hear that you've chosen the embedded style of commenting for your blog. Allowing users to reply directly on the post fosters more interaction and discussion, which can enhance the sense of community among your readers.

    It's unfortunate to hear that the responding option went missing when you opened your blog to reply to new comments. The disappearance of the hyperlink for responding may be due to a technical glitch or a change in settings. It might be worth checking your blog's settings to ensure that the commenting feature is enabled correctly. Additionally, you may want to reach out to the platform's support team for assistance in resolving the issue.

    I am inviting you to read my new blog post.

  8. I saw that was a problem the other day on another blogger's post. It appears to be corrected now though.

  9. Sorry it is happening to you too dear Kathy
    It and many such weird things happened on my blog few years back and I was puzzled what to do.
    Then within few months they started to appear normal.
    My comments still disappear when I hit publish but not often now
