Tuesday, February 13, 2024

ValenGras? MardiTine?

The calendar says that today is Fat Tuesday (also known as Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday), the day before Ash Wednesday and the last hurrah before Lent.

It also says that tomorrow is Valentine's Day, a day to express affection with greetings and gifts.

Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, is one of two days of fasting during the season (Good Friday is the other). In the Catholic church that translates one primary meal, two lesser meals, and abstinence from meat.  Not exactly conducive to a romantic Valentine's meal or anything decadently chocolate.

Hubby Tony and I decided to celebrate both Mardi Gras and Valentine's today. For lunch we went to a Shake Shack that recently opened near our house for sandwiches, fries, and shakes. Later, for dinner we had some darn good leftovers and chocolate covered strawberries for dessert.

Five years ago today: Cover An Owie In Style


  1. Celebrating both holidays today is a clever loophole! Enjoy your fasting tomorrow.

    1. It will be interesting. I'm horrible at fasting.

  2. You guys know how to celebrate! Sounds like you enjoyed both! Valentine's Day and Mardi Gras!

  3. That sounds like a great valentine's day meal!

  4. Sounds like you and hubby celebrated nicely. Glad you guys had a nice time.

  5. Ash Wednesday and celebrating Saint Valentine appears to be a conflict. My very quick research tells me the Eastern Orthodoxy church celebrate St. Valentine on July 6. Do you think they thought about this conflict and move the day far from lent.

    1. I wonder, but I'll try to remember and celebrate again then.

  6. Happy Valentine's day my friend ❤
    Enjoy the love and affection from family. A true gift of life :)
