Saturday, January 6, 2024

Would You Eat (Drink) This?

When I'm walking through grocery stores I'm always on the lookout for weird food and beverage items. Here are some of my recent finds.
  • How about a cucumber beverage? You can't tell from the front of the label, but it's a sweet carbonated soda.
  • It doesn't seem like pickles would be a normal part of salsa, but what do I know? According to the label the company's been around for a long time so I guess they've got a handle on what their customers want.

  • I adore chocolate. I like beer. But the idea of ingesting them them at the same time? Not so much.
  • Although I think bananas and milk are great in a bowl with cereal, I'm not sure about about leaving out one of those key ingredients and drinking the banana flavored milk.
  • Here's a ringer, because the can says it's made for dogs. However, the idea of popping open a cold brew for Fido just strikes me as funny.

 Five years ago: Every Day There's Something Worth Celebrating


  1. I've seen liqueur-filled chocolates, but beer-filled ones? Ewwww. Cold water can be made a bit more refreshing by throwing a couple of cuke slices in it, so maybe the carbonated water version would be okay too. Pretty subtle taste though.

    1. I hadn't thought about the cucumber water connection, but I'm not interested enough to actually buy a bottle and figure it out.

  2. The banana flavored milk drink sounds good to me! I 'd go for the cucumber drink and the pickle salsa too. The brew for dogs sounds ridiculous.

    1. Judee from Gluten Free A-Z Blog

  3. Definitely not for me...over processed.

  4. This is very interesting. Thank you for sharing it. Have a wonderful Sunday. Here's to a prosperous 2024! Happy New Year to you!

  5. These must be in some of the isles I never go down. I usually know what I want, get it and leave. When they do a store "reset" and I have to start looking for things it really pisses me off.

    1. Costco is the worst for resetting their shelves. I only buy a handful of things there, and every few months have to go on a hunt for something.

  6. Interesting! Anything banana-flavoured, yuck!

  7. No. I don’t like artificial flavorings - they never taste like the real flavor. Yuck 🤢

    1. You're right. I love bananas, but the artificial flavor leaves me cold.

  8. These all sound like fun. My daughter did send my mom something from Trader Joes called Boozy Chocolate Truffles. And yes, mom loved those little sweet balls with just a hint of liquor. But beer? I don't know.

  9. Very interesting items. I don't think I'd try all of them. I often try out a new brand of root beers when I see them. That is about as brave as I get.

    1. When we were in Galena (Illinois) there was a small boutique that sold nothing but root beer! We sampled a 'flight' of five different ones.

  10. I also notice odd things for sale. Nothing wrong with of experimentation. I enjoy beer that has flavor. Red ale, Wheat beer, a stout, but no thank you on chocolate beer. I noticed an odd (stupid IMHO) item during the holidays. A beard balm with bourbon added. What a waste of bourbon. If you significant other like the smell of bourbon then give them a shot. Also, a good reason to drink a glass when their are near. (Boss, I wasn't drinking it's my beard balm)

    1. There are SO MANY different types of products now!

  11. I don't like all the cereal and potato chip flavors out there, so I doubt I would try any, unless the cucumber water doesn't have artificial sweeteners, they ake my head hurt!
