Saturday, November 18, 2023

Why Didn't I Think Of That?

When I bought my wallet I chose it for its size, the number of slots for cards, and the fact it had a nice window compartment for my driver's license. It wasn't until I got home and started putting my things in that I realized the license compartment was a little tight and if the card was inserted all the way in it was a struggle to remove it.

I solved the issue by trying to remember to leave the license sticking out a little bit, but every once in a while I would forget. Recently someone needed to see the card, and when they watched me struggle to get it out asked if they could show me a trick to make it easier. I agreed.

The trick couldn't have been easier. They just used a small piece of scotch tape to make a pull tab.

The tab makes it very easy to pull the license out when I need it.

 Five years ago: Does It Click?


  1. What's going to happen to the tab when they run the card through the machine at the doctors office? 😁

    1. It should be easy to take the tape off and put another piece on when I get home :-)

  2. That's a good tip if it lasts. I sometimes have the same issue. I'l give it a try! Thanks

  3. Perfect! -Christine

  4. This is interesting, thank you for sharing this helpful information. Wishing you all the best, have a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. My finger is stuck to the wallet.

    God bless.

  6. Great tip. I need that with my own wallet and the tight drivers license space.

    1. Why do the manufacturers make the area so tight?
