Thursday, July 13, 2023

Not So Distinctive Eyewear?

A couple of weeks ago I went to the optometrist for my yearly check up. I was pleased to find out that my eyes were in good shape, but my prescription had changed enough to warrant new glasses. Thank goodness. I've had my current pair for two years, and was ready for a change.

I have pretty bad near-sightedness, which makes it hard for me to see what new frames look like on me. The optician gave me some great suggestions, and in the end I chose these.

Even though the shape is similar, I thought the colors (variegated teal blue versus deep purple) were different enough that people would notice. I was wrong. No one has commented on the change!

Five years ago today: Extended Family Fun (California, Summer 2018)


  1. I only get comments on new glasses when I get something totally different from my previous style. Yours are so much the same I would probably not have noticed the change unless you pointed it out.

  2. I think they look fabulous and would totally tell you so. Does that help?

  3. NO one ever comments on my eye wear. I had some purple ones that were blue on the inside - loved them. Then my eyes changed within the 6 mos and I had to get new frames and just bought the cheapest ones. Next time, I will bring in the purple ones for them to use for my new frames. They are expensive when you don't have insurance.

    1. I've heard that sometimes if a frame has been discontinued it's hard to get lenses to fit. We have the option of buying vision insurance, and with two glasses wearers in the family we take advantage of that option.

    2. Depending on your optician, the markup on frames can make a hefty profit for them so they are usually pushing new ones. I've been told that with old frames, they MIGHT break while they were replacing the lens and I would be responsible for the cost. Last year I had new lens put in a pair of 20 year old glasses because I liked the frame, and it was a very expensive frame when I bought it and I still liked it. The replacement went off without a hitch and I have a nice pair of reading glasses.

    3. Dk, glad it worked for you. My vision insurance includes a generous allowance for new frames, so I just do that and put the old pair of glasses in the donation box next to the exit door of the optician's office.

    4. That's good that the insurance covers the frames' cost. Our insurance gives an allowance, but it's never enough for the frames I choose. The last new frame I chose was almost $500 and the insurance only allowed $200. I picked up the rest.

    5. $500! I've never purchased anything near that price. However, due to the severity of my nearsightedness many frames can't handle the thickness of the lenses and I never even consider them.

  4. New glasses are always fun! They look good!

    1. I enjoy seeing myself in something new every morning when I put them on.

  5. First of all I like your new teal glasses, mine new glasses are quite similar, plus I got a second pair with metal bronze frames, and like you, no one noticed. That's ok because I like them.

    1. Yep, in the end all that matters is that we like what we have to wear. I my case EVERY DAY :-)

  6. That's a pretty color for your new frame. I don't usually notice if someone gets news glasses or a new hairstyle or color. Such changes just don't register with my brain. Linda in Kansas

    1. Thank you. In reading the comments I'm struck by how many people don't notice what I would consider a pretty big change.

  7. My son will grow a beard then shave it off. I never notice the clean shaven face. He's just back to where he was before.

    1. If his beard grows as quickly as the men in my family it only takes a couple of days before there's significant stubble.

  8. I've seen so many people wearing such stylish glasses makes them look great! Sometimes I think wish I needed them. I do wear reading glasses.

    1. Trust me, you do NOT want to need glasses!

      The optician I worked with appeared to be in her early 30s. She told me she had a wardrobe of glasses, some with plain glass lenses that she used when she had her contacts in.

  9. I once cut 5 inches off of my hair and no one noticed {{sigh}}.
