Wednesday, April 19, 2023


If you read here on a regular basis, you've probably figured out that I do a lot of walking...mainly through residential areas with sidewalks, as opposed to trails. 

One of my walking pet peeves is people who allow their plants to grow onto the sidewalk.

When I partner up with Hubby Tony on walks we like to travel side by side. If a sidewalk is blocked by plant life, we have to go single file. Or one of us will stay on the sidewalk and the other will step into the street.

As I'm navigating a greenery hazard I always wonder about the people who let their plants go wild. Do they not walk on their sidewalk to realize there's a problem? Do they just not care? Or do they think that they're so important that other people's comfort isn't?

Five years ago today: Have A Ball


  1. If you call the city they will come out and trim the trees back to the property line at least 8 to 10 feet high. Tell me where this is and I'll call them.

    1. Thanks for the offer of help, but I'll handle it :-)

  2. Perhaps the tenant is not the owner and doesn't give a fig about the landscaping. Such is the situation next door to us. Or, like our front yard, cared for by Terry, the owner doesn't care all that much and likes an overgrown look. I learned decades to say nothing, as he will eventually get around to taking care of the situation, but it may get this bad before he does. And, if I do prompt him to do something, he digs his heels in and takes an even longer time to get it done.

    1. I hadn't thought about it being a renter issue. Thanks.

  3. Hard to say, they might not even be aware of it.

    1. You're probably right, but I would assume that greenery would be obvious every time the owner drove down the street to the driveway.

  4. That is severe encroachment. I'd be taking my trimmers along and piling the debris back in their yard.

    1. Strayer - I've done that. I'll carry some snips with me when I walk and if a branch its hanging over the sidewalk, snip!

  5. People can be oblivious of how their yards affect others. A neighbor had no idea his tree limbs were intruding on his next door neighbor's until brought to his attention. I guess people see it from their perspective.

  6. The property in question is not inhabited by people who enjoy a walk ....

  7. This is a problem everywhere. Few people don't think about the people who like to walk. When I walk with hubby, we also have to do the same as you do around a overgrown shrubs

    1. I guess if you don't walk you don't think about issues

  8. It's people who park on the pavement making it impossible to pass that irritate me.

    1. Thankfully, we don't have much of an issue with that.

  9. I think they don't care or it isn't a problem for them since it is outside of their yard. If we don't take care of our trees and plants then the city will do it for us if it is blocking paths or interfering with stuff like power lines.

    1. And if the city does the job they won't take the time to do it neatly.

  10. Many people care little about others. Our neighbor has a tree that drops acorns all over our lawn (bad for our lawnmower) and driveway. The first time I asked him to cut it back, he did. Now he just ignores me. Same guy snow blows his driveway into the street for the plows to push across our driveway. I could go on . . .
