Monday, April 2, 2018

Eye Drop Adventures

Last Wednesday I noticed that the outer corner of my left eye was cracked and red. I carefully dabbed some cream on the crack, and the redness went away. The next day the same eye felt irritated, like there was something in it. I also had a film over my vision that came and went. At bed time my eye was red and watery, and the right one didn't look so great either.

I called the optician's office right after they opened on Friday and got in for a visit a couple of hours later. After listening to my symptoms and looking in my eyes he diagnosed me with an infection that was probably viral, but since it was almost the weekend (when the office would be closed), he suggested prescribing antibiotic drops to cover all of the bases.

I left the office with a prescription and several sample bottles of lubricating eye drops. My instructions were to use the medicine four times a day and the drops once an hour.

I've been amazed how fast those hours fly by! Every time I turn around it's time to pull out the tiny sample bottle and squirt away. My eye immediately started feeling better, but I have to keep up the regimen for an entire week.  I'm always glad when Friday arrives, but this week I'll be doubly grateful.


  1. I remember the drop regimen when my cataracts were removed. Several tiny bottles, all at different intervals. It was great to be ended.

  2. So glad you took care of the problem promptly

  3. You're lucky you got in there on Friday, it would have been a miserable weekend if you'd have had to wait until Monday. Hope you're feeling better.

    1. I don't always take care of myself as well as I should. When I woke up Friday morning I almost talked myself out of making the call. Glad I didn't

      (And yes, my eye is much better.)

  4. Glad you got that eye taken care of sooner, rather than later!

  5. Good thing you took the step to get help. Yes, sometimes we wait, thinking it will get better.

    1. So many things go away on their own that I like to wait to make sure I really need medical assistance

  6. That's a lot of work, every hour. I hope your eye improves rapidly.

    1. Yes, I noticed almost immediate results but I'm continuing for the complete time.
