Monday, March 12, 2018

Bookmark Inspiration

A couple of weeks ago I picked out a book from a nearby Little Free Library.  Since not everything I read has to be educational or 'important', this time I chose fluff--Explosive Eighteen, one of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum novels.  When I got home I dove right in.

I've read most of the books in the series. They're pretty repetitive, but I enjoy the core group of characters and mindless entertainment.  When it was time to put the book down I grabbed an old page from a Thought for the Day calendar to use for a bookmark: 

Bookmark and inspirational thought
When I was done reading the book I tucked the calendar page inside, then returned the book to the library.  I hope it will be helpful to whoever finds it.

Five years ago today: No Can Do


  1. This is such a wonderful quote and so absolutely true.

  2. I like your little free library. I am a firm believer of passing along books you won't read again.

    1. Years ago I bought many books, Now I'm working on purging them from my house.

  3. That's a nice quote to leave behind.

  4. I was just going through some books today and wondering what I should do with them. Thanks for the idea.

  5. Sounds like a good fast read. Some books I read go fast, some slow. If I borrowed library books, I think I might leave little spay neuter encouragement propaganda in them. Hehehe.

    1. I think your propaganda idea is a pretty good one. Do you 'lose' flyers and such when you're in stores or restaurants?
