Thursday, September 7, 2017

It's All In The Presentation

Just a couple of days ago it felt like summer. Then, on Monday night when a cold front came through we turned the air conditioner off and opened up the windows. It's been wonderful to fall asleep to the sounds of the crickets at night and wake up to the birds chirping in the coolness of the early morning.

This weekend I will be attending an event that includes a basket raffle fundraiser.  A group of us decided to donate a gift card and collected money to buy a certificate to a local grocery store.  However, by itself the card looked boring and I was afraid it would be overlooked. 

I went shopping at the craft store, where I found a cute scarecrow.  I brought it home, tucked the gift card under its arm, and secured it with a couple of pins.  I think it has more 'oomph' now, don't you?