Here are some fun anagrams. I wish I could take credit for them, but they've been floating around the Internet forever. If you like these, check out the pages at the
Internet Anagram Server for more.
- PRESBYTERIAN...When you rearrange the letters it becomes BEST IN PRAYER
- ASTRONOMER...When you rearrange the letters it becomes MOON STARER
- DESPERATION...When you rearrange the letters it becomes A ROPE ENDS IT
- THE EYES...When you rearrange the letters it becomes THEY SEE
- THE MORSE CODE... When you rearrange the letters it becomes HERE COME DOTS
- SLOT MACHINES...When you rearrange the letters it becomes CASH LOST IN ME
- ANIMOSITY...When you rearrange the letters it becomes IS NO AMITY
- ELECTION RESULTS...When you rearrange the letters it becomes LIES - LET'S RECOUNT
- SNOOZE ALARMS...When you rearrange the letters it becomes ALAS! NO MORE Z 'S
- A DECIMAL POINT...When you rearrange the letters it becomes I'M A DOT IN PLACE
- THE EARTHQUAKES...When you rearrange the letters it becomes THAT QUEER SHAKE
- ELEVEN PLUS TWO...When you rearrange the letters it becomes TWELVE PLUS ONE
- FUNERAL...When you rearrange the letters it becomes REAL FUN
- AN OLD SHOE...When you rearrange the letters it becomes HAD NO SOLE
I am terrible @ anagrams - it's always my worst category on Jeopardy. But I really like wordplay so I can't explain why I'm so bad @ them and crosswords.