Friday, September 6, 2024


The other morning I stopped by Walmart to pick up some mailing tape. As I walked through the store something seemed different, but it wasn't until I made my way to the back and saw the sign on all of the television screens in the electronics department that I figured out what it was. The piped in music was missing!

I looked at my watch and noticed there were only ten minutes until the time frame was over, so I decided to be there when the changeover happened. It took an extra two minutes; at 10:02 the music came on, and when I passed the electrical department every television was turned on.

I didn't see anyone who looked like they might be benefiting from the extra calm, but when I left I saw a sign that said the hours were intended to be calmer for those with sensory sensitivities, autism, and PTSD. I know many of those conditions are hidden, and I could have been the only non-affected one in the store.

Five years ago: There's A Guy For That


  1. I love less ear clutter. Aldi is the best. Noooo music. I love it. Haven't been to a Wally's in years so I've no idea if they shut the ear clutter off or not.

    1. I go in Aldi all the time and should have noticed there was no ambient music. Shame on me!

  2. I don’t believe I even pay attention to the sound as I am often in my own mind. I couldn’t tell you if music is being played or not. I’m more affected by visual. Too much and I get discombobulated. Hobby Lobby does that to me. I have to go straight to what I need to get and then out the door.
    I’ll have to keep my ears open next time I shop. I’d like the softer lights though.

    1. I don't usually pay attention either; I think that's why I why I originally couldn't figure out what was different

  3. Were some of the store's lights off too?

    1. That's an interesting question. Not that I noticed.

  4. observed this very well. I normally do not ever pay attention, as I guess I'm always rushing to find my next item. Interesting.

    1. It's interesting to me that both you and Debby (above) don't even notice the presence or absence of music.

  5. Dierbergs has the music turn up. Most of the time it's OK but every once in while they play a stinker.

  6. It's a very good idea to have a quieter time for shopping. Not everyone wants to be accompanied by other people's choice of music.

    1. Yes, different customers would have completely different music preferences.

  7. Silence is golden. I suggest instead of playing music in stores they should just show the music score on a screen. It can change every few minutes to the music score of another song.

    God bless.

  8. Nice post my friend
    Here in malls music is on all the time.this is sweet of owners to think such good idea and apply as well

  9. Never thought I say this but that is very nice of Walmart.

    1. I'm not a big Walmart fan either, but I admire them for this.
