Friday, August 25, 2023

Soft And Firm

Tomorrow I will be attending an all-day fellowship business meeting in Springfield Missouri. Depending on how many bathroom stops you make the drive from my house takes somewhere between three and four hours, so I came this afternoon with two other meeting attendees.  

My lodging for the night is in the same hotel as the meeting. When I walked into the room I noticed that the bed was made up with a white duvet and large, fluffy pillows. It wasn't until I was getting ready for bed I noticed that they were two different pillow firmnesses...and Housekeeping had used pillowcases that indicated which type each was.

 Five years ago: I Hope They're Wrong, But I'm Not Holding My Breath


  1. Yep, I've seen those before; forgot which hotel. Of course, I had to test each one to see if they matched the description. Prevents pillow fights and stiff necks. Linda in Kansas

    1. I had trouble getting to sleep and eventually tested each pillow to see which would work the best.

  2. Soft and firm could mean many different things in bed.

    1. There you go with the double entendres again :-)

  3. I love the idea! A choice of pillows. I've never seen it in any of the hotels we frequent. I just read Mike's comment and he quite witty!

    1. I felt like there were two different types of pillows at the hotel we stayed at in July, but there was no way to confirm my hunch then.

  4. Enjoy your time. It's been before the pandemic since I stayed in a nice hotel.

    1. It's a nice bonus to have a little quiet time before a long day of meeting.

  5. And which one was the winner? I think I would choose soft but then I would bunch it all up to make it firmer.

    1. Neither one was a great substitute for my memory foam pillow, but the firm one was a little closer to what I'm used to.

    2. Yes, memory foam pillows are the best!
      Thanks for visiting my blog, Kathy

    3. It took me years to realize that memory foam was the way to go. Now I'm a fan for life.

  6. That is a great idea for the hotel to do that!
