Monday, August 21, 2023

Hot And Humid. UGH!

My area, along with a good chunk of the middle of the country, is in the middle of a heat advisory. Until the weekend the temperatures will be close to 100 degrees, but the humidity will add another 5-10 degrees to that.

Just how hot and humid is it?

  • Our area is under an Excessive Heat Warning until Thursday night, which means that the Heat Index is forecast to be around 105 degrees for 4 consecutive days.
  • Yesterday Hubby Tony and I walked to the community clubhouse for a happy hour. The building is only two blocks away, but by time we got there I was a puddle of sweat.

  • When I come out of an air conditioned building my glasses fog up.
  • I went to the gym this morning for an aquatics class. When I got home I spread my towel over a chair on the deck. Eight hours later the towel was still wet.

  • At the church today I walked some scraps over to the chickens. They  grumpily told me it was too hot for them.
Five years ago: Yard Work Fun


  1. It was 75 and balmy down here today. No, really! Would I make fun of the weather?

  2. How do you cope? it sounds horrendous.

  3. I can sure relate! The next few days are expected to be actual (v. feel like) temps of 102-103. I know that's nothing compared to Phoenix, but the humidity makes it feel worse.

    1. I've been in enough non-humid places to know that it DOES make a difference!

  4. Hope the chickens are okay. Heat is not good for chickens.

    1. I walked some scraps over to the coop this morning. All three hens greeted me enthusiastically.

  5. I putter in the garden from sunup until around 7 A.M. From then on, I don't do much outside. The grandson and his GF have two dogs and both work; they can't leave the dogs inside because they tear things up when there in there alone. They have a pen off the barn, and a room IN the barn with a fan for when it's hot, but it was just too hot today. Cliff let them out. They just lie in the shop in front of another fan, I hope this is the last awful heat we have, but I've seen pretty high temperatures in September, too.

    1. I can handle normal August heat, but not these extremes.

  6. It's hot here too. 45*C in the shade. But I'm clever; did not stay in the shade.

    God bless.

  7. I just can’t take the heat as well as I used to. Fortunately we are dry here - low humidity under 10% so it is more bearable than humid heat. I don’t know how you guys handle it.

    1. When I visited Oldest Son in the Central Valley last summer I really noticed the difference humidity can make. Although the high temperatures would be close to 100, before 10 am it was not bad to be outside as long as I stayed in the shade.
