Saturday, July 20, 2024

Peachy Fun

Hubby Tony left Thursday night and will return tomorrow after lunch. While he's gone I've had a great time setting my own schedule.

We're having a lovely stretch of weather and I decided today I wanted to do something outside. In the community paper I learned that today Downtown Kirkwood was having a Peach Festival, which included music and lots of peach-inspired samples at the Farmer's Market, and a sidewalk sale throughout the commercial area.

My standard Saturday plan is to take a Cycling class at the Kirkwood YMCA from 8-9 am, then come home and shower before moving on with the rest of my day. The Farmer's Market is only two blocks from the Y. It didn't make sense to drive home and then turn around to go back. The Festival wasn't scheduled to start until 10. I decided to bring a change of clothes and shower at the Y, then walk from there.

Everything went according to plan. The vast majority of people who use the locker room are taking aquatic classes. It was there in between, and the area was eerily empty. The most annoying part of the whole thing was drying my thick hair. Normally I let it air dry for an hour, which cuts the blow dry time to five minutes. Starting with completely wet hair tripled that time, but finally I was ready.

Even with the extra hair work I still had time to kill. I found a shady place to sit and people watch, then headed to the Farmer's Market. There was a bluegrass band playing. The promised peach samples were available, along with beef jerky, melons, sausage, and cheese. My produce bins were full so I left the market with nothing but ideas for next time.

Most of the stores had sidewalk tables, and many also had additional sale things inside. I ended up buying a metal slotted spoon at a cookware store. (It wasn't on sale, but on my list to procure.) The last stop was at an outdoor store, which had a bin containing beautiful lightweight fashion scarves. I need another scarf like I need another hole in my head, but for ten dollars this one came home with me:


  1. Sounds like a delightful day on your own!

  2. Good to support the local trades folk. Glad to hear your festivals are going on as planned. A lot here has been cancelled due to the high heat. Everyone is very concerned about heat exhaustion and heat stroke, especially among older people.

    1. Heat issues are real, especially in areas where people aren't used to it.

  3. I saw a few shots of the Farmer's Market on TV. Were you wearing a shirt close to the color of the scarf?

    1. I saw the Fox 2/Channel 11 van parked next to the food trucks when I arrived, but no sign of filming. Wonder if they had already finished?

  4. The first thing my wife looks for in a hotel room is the blow-dryer. You are not alone, ha.

    1. I find that many hotel blow dryers are low-wattage (which makes the job take longer) so I bring my own.

  5. A peach festival sounds mouthwatering. It's nice to have a day to yourself once in a while. The scarf is very pretty and looks light and 'floaty.'

    1. In my opinion, a good fresh peach is up there with a good homegrown tomato. Both announce 'summer'.

  6. I love peaches. What a great way to spend your day.

  7. I Love a good Farmer's Market and the Festivities of a really good Outdoor Event. Usually here they begin in the Fall when the Weather is better for them. The Man loves everything Peach flavored. At Cracker Barrel they have the BEST Peach Iced Tea. I NEED to get back to the Gym myself, I keep meaning to but when they restricted Hours for Seniors it's not so easy to squeeze in now for the Hours allowed us codgers who are Members. But, I'm Grateful that Medicare pays for the Silver Sneakers Program at any choice of Gym, I couldn't afford Membership otherwise at the one I can go to.

    1. When Oldest Son lived in Phoenix I visited in every season BUT summer, as I had no desire to experience the extreme heat.

  8. Sounds like you had a great day being on your own and also found some great produce, kitchen and personal items. Can one really have too many lovely scarves?

    1. My scarf drawer will now be filled to bursting :-)

  9. I’m not sure you’ve been reading my posts but most are not able to read recent posts.

    1. Debby, your posts didn't show up in my reader, but for now I've got everything updated....
