Thursday, June 13, 2024

Positive Personality Changes

It's been almost two months since Pimento the foster cat came to live with Hubby Tony and me. 

Before being taken in by the shelter a little over two years ago Pimento was found wandering the streets, so I can't imagine what kind of life he led. He was at his first foster house for a year, where he went from hiding to eventually sitting on the couch next to his 'mom'. When her work schedule changed and she felt she couldn't give him enough socialization time we stepped in.

Pimento's social skills reverted back to Step One. For weeks he only came out when we weren't there. In the morning the food bowl was empty, the litter box was full, and there was evidence that he had been sitting on the cedar chest in the living room to look out the window. One day I came in from running errands and saw him in the kitchen. The poor cat was in such a hurry to leave the room that he skidded across the floor.

But then we would start seeing Pimento sitting in the middle of the office floor. It was just a short distance from his hidey hole behind the bed or underneath the bedspread, but sometimes he would wait a few seconds before darting away. One day I reached under the bedspread and started petting him. Instead of shrinking away he leaned into the physical contact and actually purred!

We started giving Pimento a nightly bit of tuna cat food, putting the bowl further and further away from his hiding space so he would have to come out. He eventually became comfortable with Tony and me being in the room with him. After eating he would saunter down the hall to Tony's office and hang out for a couple of minutes before retreating to his safe place.

This morning I was petting Pimento behind the bed and he actually came out. His personality was completely different; it was like someone had flipped a switch. I pulled out my phone to capture the moment:

 Once the moment ended Pimento had 'peopled' enough and headed back to his quiet space. I'm hopeful that his affection is the start of real change.


  1. Aww it just takes time for some cats. He really is a handsome cat.

    1. The more I see him the handsomer he is :-)

  2. Your story of the cat's changing personality looks and sounds lovely!

  3. Replies
    1. Grazie. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  4. The difference a little love can make.

  5. The power of love!!
    I can't imagine what happened on the streets!
    Have a beautiful Sunday!

    1. I try not to think about Pimento's pre-shelter days.

  6. He looks like my Slinko, who "came out" as tame, but only to me, a year after coming here. Slinko was living in a feral colony, a lost boy, as I call them, the boys, who are abandoned or roam off unfixed and never make it home, although their home originally was probably pretty sketch. Now he's like a guard dog cat, and by now--very very elderly. Yay for Pimento's coming out!

    1. 'Lost boy' sounds like an apt description.

  7. A reward for such wonderful patience and affection.

  8. You are winning Pimento over! Happy for both of you!

  9. Good for Pimento. One lucky cat!

    1. I think both the cat and the humans are lucky.

  10. How lovely that your little cat is becoming more confident. Poor boy - it must be hard for Pimento to trust.

    1. I tell him all the time that he doesn't need to be afraid.
