Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tastes The Same But Saves Money

What passes for sweet cherry season has arrived in my city. The grocery stores are selling the fruit for $5-$6 a pound, which is more expensive than other fruit. I understand that's because cherries are labor intensive to harvest and the fruit has to be handled carefully or it will bruise. But Hubby Tony and I love their taste and buck up the extra money.

However, this year the Asian market by my house has been selling cherries for a third of the prices at the other stores. The first time I bought a bag I discovered there were quite a few fused ones mixed in.

A double cherry consists of two cherries fused together. Most of the time they each have a pit; sometimes one of the pits is on the small size. A small percentage of the doubles in my bag had one full size cherry and one small, raisin-like fruit stuck to its side (which is called spurring).

In our house the vast majority of the cherries are eaten out of hand and the doubles don't bother us at all.


  1. Are the Asian cherries cheaper because they're not "perfect" cherries?

  2. all yummy! -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

  3. I would think a double would be a bonus!

    1. It definitely is less work to pick up two at a time instead of one.

  4. I love cherries, and I'm not bothered by their exterior imperfection. However, the price bothers me; they are very expensive , here.

    1. Because of the price, cherries are usually a great treat for us; we usually only get a bag or two. However, the doubles are more in line with the budget so if they're still in stock I will get more.

  5. Cherries don't happen here every year. When there's a late frost, that's the end of the cherry season plans. I do like them. Just to eat. Too much fuss pitting them to cook.

    1. We have the same late frost problem with local peaches. I don't mind pitting a small amount of cherries, but agree that anything over a cup worth is too much work.

  6. Twins! I love cherries. But they're so oversprayed around here. I'm kind of skeptical about getting any, given the pesticide load and the fact they're really really expensive. It's good you found some that are affordable and beautifully imperfect.

    1. I have no idea where mine came from, but at my age I'm not too concerned about pesticides.

  7. Cherries are my favorite summer time fruit. I wouldn't care if they were double. Yeah me, two! Enjoy your cherries!

  8. Nice that you are able to find a substitute for the very expensive cherries. Asian markets often have better buys.

    1. I buy a lot of my produce at the Asian market.

  9. I love cherries. We have a cherry tree in our garden and get a good harvest every year.

    God bless.

    1. You're the only person I know who has backyard cherries.

  10. I love them. However much they cost, yay!! 😊🍒

  11. I love cherries. We have two cherry trees in the garden, but they're not producing much.
