Sunday, October 1, 2023

Things That Make You Go Hmmm...

I suppose there's someone somewhere who would be fooled by an email with the subject line RE Post Docs! Your Tax Return for fiscal year 2023 is being Held For Processing ID-#645124348 that came from TAX IRS (with an email address containing of 7 random letters, a dash, 19 more random letters, a domain name from the UK, and nothing but a downloadable PDF in the body. I know it won't be me.

 This seems like an unnecessary product to me...but I'm not a dude. If you are and have a different opinion let me know, please.

Have you ever seen a touchless holy water dispenser? It was new to me. You put the fingers of your right hand underneath and it dispenses a few drops of water to bless yourself with.

I can't even begin to imagine who the target market for this is. Thoughts?


  1. Kay of Musings: Oh my… That last one caught me by surprise.

  2. That last one is for everyone, right? It's a public hair trimmer! 😁

    1. That was my first thought, too, but Linda offered a common-sense explanation for it.

  3. Guess the Holy Water has been good around covid rules. My son had major internal nose surgery, and when I asked what he needed from the store, he requested several things and the Dude wipes. After blowing and having post-surgery drippings, he said the Dude wipes were bigger and softer on his sore nose. I think it's more like a nose wipe than a butt wipe. And yep, some rowdy younger folks might want that trimmer, but in the nursing world, it's actually handy when a very disabled, bedridden, non-verbal adult is trimmed so that diaper clean-ups are easier. Cheers, Linda in Kansas

    1. Linda, I'm sure that was the reason for the holy water font. Thanks for educating me about the 'man' products.

  4. Can one use that trimmer on a beard? Is it for male or female use?

    God bless, Kathy.

  5. Dude wipes and pubic hair trimmers. Lol. I think, who sat down and decided to develop and market these products and why
