Saturday, July 29, 2023

Summer Signs

Late July is always hot in this area, but for several days we've also (along with a good chunk of the rest of the country) been under an excessive heat warning.  Hubby Tony and I have taken our walking inside, where I've been collecting photos of things that strike my fancy:

Maybe I'm still a five year old at heart? When someone asks me what my favorite color is I can't tell them what it is.

And on a really bad day those puppies also reproduce.

Thank goodness I don't have to supervise toddlers on a regular basis. When I do it wears me out.

The residential areas in St. Louis are notorious for having stop signs every few blocks. We're also notorious for our "rolling stops", where a driver slows down instead of coming to a complete halt before continuing on their way.

Not everyone would agree with this one, but compared to Third World countries we have it darn good here.

Not exactly inside, but I'm considering the Ikea parking garage close enough.

Five years ago: Ahead Of Time Anniversary


  1. "we have it darn good here."
    Agreed. Like when Ferguson was happening and someone in another state would ask about it, I would tell them I'm watching it on TV just like them.

    1. During that time Youngest Son was quite caught up in all the internet drama surrounding the events. In the middle of it all, one Saturday night Tony and I decided to go to church and dinner in Ferguson (just south of the downtown area) to help support some struggling businesses.

      Son got upset, thinking that horrible things were going to happen to us. Of course nothing did. As you know, the rioting was confined to a tiny sliver of the city.

    2. Not during that particular time, but I've been to meetings at night at Ferguson City Hall. Probably 10 years ago.

  2. I call this The Time of Ease. Even if a person is poor, its pretty darn good compared to the rest of the world. I think about it sometimes, how lucky I was to be born here, in the US, in Oregon too, and at this time, where woman have more equality. My nephew and niece in law have a toddler, with another baby on the way and man alive, the two year old can vanish in a second, seems like, and be suddenly outside. Parents must have frequent panic attacks these days.

  3. I love the toddler one. That cracks me up!

  4. Great sayings to remember. Thanx Kathy.

    God bless.

  5. Don't move to Pennsylvania. Many small towns have signs under their stop signs which say "Full stops FREE, rolling stops $153. Your choice."

  6. I am for residential and road signs that help with directions, yet at the same time
    spread humor and important messages like the ones above.
