Saturday, April 29, 2023

Feel The Beat

This morning after breakfast I headed to the Y for a Spinning class. One of the things I like about the class is that the resistance level on the bike is whatever you want it to be. Of course, an appropriate level gives the most effective workout, but today my energy level was low. When the instructor suggested we give the resistance knob a big turn to the right I barely moved it.

Until this song came on. Then all of a sudden my energy level went way up and I was easily cycling to the beat. (If you don't want to watch the mini-plot at the beginning, the music starts at :59)


  1. Good for you Kathy, we quit the gym, just do youtube exercises and walk.

    1. I don't motivate myself well when it comes time to exercise :-)

  2. Great song. And Annie Lennox looks like a normal person in this.
